My chances at Columbia FU Foundation?

<p>SAT: v720 m800 w740 (Combined: 2260)</p>

*Math2 800
*Chem 770
*Physics 800</p>

<p>GPA: 3.89 uw (10th - 3.78, 11th - 4.0)
Rank: no rank</p>

Chem 5
Computer Science AB 5
Physics B 5
Statistics 5
Calculus BC 5
(AP Physics B, Calc BC, and Chemistry were self-studied)</p>

<p>I will also take 6 AP Exams this year (Chinese Language and Culuture, Biology, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, English lang, and Physics C mechanics).</p>

*Student Government President
*2007 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2nd Place Grand Award in Team (Team Leader too)
*Excellence in Science (Given to a student who is best at science in the entire school)
*Excellence in Mathematics (same as above)
*School Champion of Canadian Mathematics (-0-)
*4 years coach/founder/captain of Korean Soccer Tournament team representing our school
*And also, for getting the ISEF 2nd award, I get a meteorite named after me
*Player in Korean Amateur Soccer League
*Manager of Student led fundraising Concert
*Varsity Soccer 4 yrs - Top Scorer, Assistent Coach
*Varisty Basketball 2 yrs
*AP Scholar with Distinction
*Vietnam International Service Trip for 2 weeks (Student Leader)
*Weekly service for a year</p>

My math teacher and physics teacher(who is also school principal and my accountability partner: I go to his house twice a week for dinner)</p>

<p>Special Circumstances:
*The first generation to go to college in my family
*I was planning to go to Korean university which don't look at school GPA. So my GPA was low in 10th grade.</p>

<p>College Courses:
EPGY Multivariables (2007~2008)</p>


<p>Chance me guys!! (I am an international applicant)</p>

<p>"*I was planning to go to Korean university which don't look at school GPA. So my GPA was low in 10th grade."</p>

<p>that's a ridiculous excuse implying that you do well in classes only for university, please don't include it your app.</p>

<p>test scores are good, academics are strong all round, they're competitive for seas, but they alone won't get you in.</p>

<p>ECs are good, but nothing seems to be extra-ordinary there, the meteorite being named after you is interesting but trivial. also many ECs are academic related and that hurts, i think you have a good shot, but you aren't in for sure.</p>

<p>Did you apply for ED or are you planning to apply for RD?</p>

<p>applying for RD</p>

<p>But, that's pretty impressive that you got SECOND place in the team division of the Intel Science and Engineering Fair. (I'm reading that correctly, right?)
I only have one word to say - WOW</p>

<p>heads up - we all call it "SEAS".</p>

<p>Can we just answer the man's question? God, I hate it when people answer threads with irrelevant posts that are not even funny. Yes, you're in. Because of that intel thing. Also, the Korean amateur soccer league, that's mighty impressive mate.</p>