My chances at JHU?

<p>Based on my information below, what would you say are my chances at getting into JHU? Please give me advice on how to increase my chances of getting in!</p>


<p>i took the SAT in June and got these scores:
M- 730
W- 680
CR- 680
Composite- 2090 (Should i take this again?)</p>

<p>ACT Composite- 30 (Should i take this again?)</p>

<p>SAT II's:
Math II : 750
Bio E: 730
US History: 670</p>


<p>I attend a VERY small high school in California (only 10 years old with an application process) with about 70 students in my entire class and 7 faculty members for the whole school. Our school has NO sports and NO AP classes an my college classes are simply counted as CP classes, so forgive my pathetic GPA and lack of ECs.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.855 UW (No APs in my school)
Rank: 10/70
College Semester Units completed: 80.5
AA Degree in Humanities
AA Degree in Liberal Arts
AA Degree in Natural Sciences
Want to major in Biology and Economics</p>

<p>Community College Classes taken:</p>

<p>Fundamentals of Computer Science A
Career Self-Assessment A
Career Exploration A
Introductory Logic B
Introduction to Psychology A
Introduction to Linguistics A
Fundamentals of Speech A
Written Communications A
Library Information Literacy A
Beginning Tennis A
Mythology A
Art History A
American Government and Institutions B
Elementary Spanish (1) A
Elementary Spanish (2) A
Principles of Economics: Macro A
Critical Composition A
Beginning Individual Conditioning A
Beginning Badminton A
General Chemistry (1) B
Precalculus I B
Core Biology A
History of Western Civilization A
Precalculus II A
Calculus B
Probability and Statistics</p>

<p>Community College courses planned for Senior Year:</p>

<p>General Botany
General Zoology
General Chemistry (2)
Calculus (2)
Principles of Economics: Micro</p>


<p>Junior Representative in Student Government
Founder/ President of the Sports and Activities Club (for 3 years)
Volunteer at the local library (125+ hours over 4 years)
Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity (70+ hours since January 2008)
Volunteer at Soup Kitchen
Volunteer at a Retirement Home
Volunteer at Neighbors in Health (free healthcare)
Key Club Sergeant at Arms (Member for 4 years)
Art Club
Academic Decathlon (4 medals in January and i hope to be a captain or starter next year)
Alpha Gamma Sigma (college academic honors Club)
Letter of Recs from two college professors (Bio and Spanish) and a counselor</p>

<p>Please give me advice on how to give myself a better shot of getting into JHU! Thank you!</p>

<p>Wow, that's a lot of community college courses, just make sure that they're all <em>transferable</em> to Hopkins (or any other schools you're applying to)</p>

<p>where can i find out what classes are transferable. Thanks!</p>

<p>It's typically done on a course-by-course basis. I doubt they will let you transfer in 80 credits, or even half of that. The only department I have knowledge on is the math department, and they will look at your coursework, textbook, homeworks, and tests. If they feel it is up to Hopkins' standards, they'll grant you credit.</p>

<p>can someone please chance me?</p>

<p>See this info on transfer credits: Credit</a> for Work Done Elsewhere</p>

<p>In general, you can only transfer 12 credits, and only if they match exactly to a course at Hopkins and the caliber of the course is considered equivalent. If you have more than 12 credits and those credits are in areas that Hopkins gives AP credit, then you can ask to get courses waived, but you can't get more than 12 actual credits.</p>

<p>chances please?</p>


<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>yep, you have a good chance of getting in, especially with that whole course load =]</p>