My chances at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Univeristy of Michigan, Uof V, W &M

Hi I am as senior from Southern California who plans on applying to UNC and I was just wondering what my chances are.
Test scores: 2200 on SAT, 730 on US history Subject Test and 750 on Biology Subject Test
Full International Bacclaureate Candidate
I have been in all the AP and honors/IB classes offered at my school
My class rank is currently 10 out of 582 students
My unweighted GPA is a 3.82 and my weighted is a 4.8
I have been the Vice president of the Muslim Student Association at my school for 3 years
I am of Pakistani descent
I am the President of 2 other clubs at my schools for the last 3 years ( American Cancer Society club)
I have particpated in Model United Nations all 4 years and have gained a leadership position in MUN as the USG of General Assembly committees
I have participated in Academic Decathlon for the last 4 years and I have gained 4 medals through this program
I regularly volunteer at my local mosque and am the Secretary of the youth group at my Mosque
I am part of The National Honor Society at my school for all the years possible
I have taken 5 years of Spanish
I am fluent in the Urdu language
I plan on taking the ACT in September
Please give me some insight on my Admission chances at UNC, U of M, NYU, Berkely, U of virginia, and William and Mary
Thank you very much!!!