My chances at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Univeristy of Michigan, Uof V, W &M

Hi I am as senior from Southern California who plans on applying to UNC and I was just wondering what my chances are.
Test scores: 2200 on SAT, 730 on US history Subject Test and 750 on Biology Subject Test
Full International Bacclaureate Candidate
I have been in all the AP and honors/IB classes offered at my school
My class rank is currently 10 out of 582 students
My unweighted GPA is a 3.82 and my weighted is a 4.8
I have been the Vice president of the Muslim Student Association at my school for 3 years
I am of Pakistani descent
I am the President of 2 other clubs at my schools for the last 3 years ( American Cancer Society club)
I have particpated in Model United Nations all 4 years and have gained a leadership position in MUN as the USG of General Assembly committees
I have participated in Academic Decathlon for the last 4 years and I have gained 4 medals through this program
I regularly volunteer at my local mosque and am the Secretary of the youth group at my Mosque
I am part of The National Honor Society at my school for all the years possible
I have taken 5 years of Spanish
I am fluent in the Urdu language
I plan on taking the ACT in September
Please give me some insight on my Admission chances at UNC, U of M, NYU, Berkely, U of virginia, and William and Mary
Thank you very much!!!

Your chances look great! Just wondering why do you want to go all the way to UNC? Do you like Stanford? (I love UNC and might be going there also!) :slight_smile:

you’ll most likely get in

What is your intended major?
For UMich LSA from OOS with 3.82/2200, your GPA is slightly below admission average and SAT within mid 50. It would be a low reach for you as the OOS admission rate is ~20%. For UMich CoE, it would be a reach.

My intended major is History! And what are your thoughts on my chances for UNC chapel hill?