<p>Hmmm...I guess my obsession with lifting weights and converting to islam (JK to anyone who could get offended...that's Dave Chappelle right there)</p>
<p>I guess the main "outstanding" I have to offer colleges is my different approach to thinking (i.e., breaking everything into parts and then critiquing the assumptions most people make for these "individual parts" and presenting my own style of reasoning) and my "ideals" I am too proud to let go of.</p>
<p>Ratings are: unlikely reach, reach, semi-reach, good fit, likely, safety. I'll warn you ahead of time that I'm relatively conservative about giving ratings on Ivy-types of schools (semi-reach is the lowest I rate them because college admissions for schools as selective as those becomes a crapshoot). You've got the scores and the ECs for sure.</p>
Princeton... REACH.
Columbia... SEMI-REACH.
Harvard... REACH
Johns Hopkins... GOOD FIT.
Georgetown... GOOD FIT.</p>