MY chances for undergrad b-schools

<p>I am applying to schools with good names but not great business mba programs
I go to a nation-wide known private school
I am Iranian-American
My stats not stellar:
W GPA 3.75-3.8?(NO UW GPA at our school)
Frosh: 3.5, Soph, 3.68, junior, 4.2, senior first quarter 4.28(upward trend)
SAT II: 2260
var tennis 11-12
var-soccer 11-12
debate team 9-12
internship/jobs at half a dozen local companies
1. Darthmouth (ED 1)
2. Boston College
3. Wake Forest(ED 2)
4. Illinois(legacy)
5. U MD-CP(state school)
6. GW
out of town haven't heard from mouth or wake yet?
Wat are my chances, help please?</p>

<p>I don't get it. What undergrad b-schools are you applying to? Your post confuses me. Anyways, you have great chances at all of those schools, though your ECs are weak, which might keep you out of Dartmouth.</p>

wake-forgot the name
gw-no name
illinois- i forgot</p>

<p>Aren't those grad schools...</p>

<p>no i checked those are the undergrads</p>

<p>do i really have a chance at dartmouth?</p>

<p>zag21, take a shot at Dartmouth, you may be surprised!</p>

<p>Yeah, good luck getting accepted to Tuck right out of high school. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>hehehe. (some more hehe's for 10 character rule)</p>

<p>yeah tuck is a grad school</p>

<p>Dartmouth is more of an LAC for undergrad... the only business (related) undergrad they have is Econ w/an emphasis.</p>

<p>None of those are considered top undergraduate B programs. For one thing, Tuck is 100% MBAs. Dartmouth does not offer a BBA. The remaining schools on your list are ok, but they aren't known for their B schools. If you are serious about studying Business, check out Wharton (Penn), Ross (Michigan), Sloan (MIT), Haas (Cal), Stern (NYU), McIntire (UVa), Tepper (Carnegie Mellon), McCombs (UT-Austin), Kenan Flagler (UNC) and Marshall (USC).</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>bumpy bump bump</p>

<p>I am at present an undergraduate in the business school at GW . I am a freshman but have been taking higher level courses than Freshman as I came in with 1 and a half semesters of credits. The courses I have taken so far (2 of which have been in the business school) have been excellent as have the other courses I have taken. The new business school building is opening in this next semester and it is AMAZING (have already been inside). I've made loads of friends at GW even in my first semester and almost everyone I've asked say that they would choose GW over other schools anyday. The business course is v. similar to an MBA (my mothers and fathers words, both of whom did MBAs at London Business School and Wharton respectively) and I definetly feel that it beats some of the other schools. I know that GW doesn't have the reputation of say Wharton but I feel that it will improve. I honestly feel that the best place for you to go is somewhere where the course shouts out at you and makes you interested; don't think that a lot of electives are restrictive until you know what they are and what courses you can do to fulfill them and most of all try and visit the place you will be living in, you'll probably be spending 4 years there and you don't want to regret them. Good luck on choosing and apply to as many schools as you can, you never know but the one that you least expect to suit might be the perfect one.</p>