<p>I am a male from New York: Irish descent
SAT: CR: 670 M: 680 W: 640
SATII: BioE: 690 BioM: 680 Chem 680
ACT: 31
GPA: 3.87 UW
AP Bio:4
AP Chem
AP English Lang.
next year:
AP Physics
AP English Lit
AP Calc AB
AP Gov and Politics</p>
<p>Hook: none</p>
<p>EC: pres of NHS
Student Body Pres
Pres of Irish Club
VP of classics club
Personally raised $8,000 for Habitat Humanity Tennessee service trip and went there to bulid house
Personally raised $4,0000 for Rostro de Cristo Ecuador service trip and went there
National Greek Scholar Exam Green Ribbon Winner
Principal's Honor Roll
Captain of Gaelic Football Team
Campus Ministry Board officer
Eucharistic Minister
Lector at local parish</p>
<p>Please give me my chances. Don't be afraid to be harsh!</p>
<p>Everything looks pretty within range except SATs, which are in the bottom 25% of admitted students (Class</a> of 2011 Profile%5DClass">http://www.admissions.duke.edu/jump/applying/who_2011profile.asp))). Usually bottom 25% is reserved for development admits, athletes, and underrepresented groups so it is pretty tricky to get in with those scores. Is there any way to bring them up?</p>
<p>your stats were similar to mine and i got in ed this past year. i dont kno your class rank so i cant help you too much. your act score is on par for duke but depending on your class rank you may want to work on that a bit i guess. your ec's sound good, just play up the leadership roles</p>
<p>Yeah I didn't see the ACT score. That's within range, so you should definitely give it a shot. Applying ED might be a good idea if Duke is your top choice.</p>