<p>hmm, ok i think you do have a chance to get into Tech, but i want to give you some constructive criticism to improve your chances…</p>
<p>to start off, your EC’s are good, they show dedication, compared to you, mine were pretty much random, this club here, another the next year, but you show continuity and passion for selective ones, which is a good plus…however, this is only one part of the application…you have grades, SAT/ACT, and essay that count as well…your GPA is kind of low in my opinion, but to increase chance of getting into tech, you need to show them that you are very capable regardless of the lower GPA, by scoring higher on the SAT/ACT (at least in the 30ish range for ACT)…i think last year’s class, 1940 was the median SAT range, and the GPA for our entering class was 3.97, so you will have competition…but dont worry, i know people who have gotten in, with high GPA and relatively lower score (myself included) and vice versa…your ACT score is in my range, but i had a very high GPA…on GT scale over a 4.0, so you get the idea and i took a lot of ap classes, which helps boost your GPA on GT scale…also if you can, retake your SAT II as well(they seem a bit lower on Tech standards), and maybe in different subjects as well and try to score 700+ range, that will look good as well…</p>
<p>also try to get A’s in senior year to keep your GPA in this range(alot of kids in my class slacked off and messed up, so dont let senioritis get you)…your Ec’s are good, so keep those up still this year, you can join FBLA as well, since your into doing business major,and if possible, try to get leadership in the clubs, that always looks good ( i know you have some, but more will look better and insulate the lower GPA)…also start working early on the essay and make sure to let a relatively tough english teacher read it and critique it, to make it stellar(my essay was definitely a plus for me, because i kept editing it before i submitted the app)…but honestly, i think you have a good chance, but i still recommend you apply to schools that are your match(the ones you know you will easily get into) just in case you dont get in, because it is getting a bit more competitive and selective each year from what ive heard, so you want more options in case it doesnt work out…you can also look into University of Georiga, its also pretty good…</p>
<p>also, you have a good chance @ Univ of Miami, because i know someone going there with similar GPA to yours, but the SAT score was high…in the 2000 range, so if you can take the SAT and score in that range, then you have a very good chnce to get in with your stats</p>
<p>i dont know about the other schools you listed(although i think GWU would be a difficult reach for you, based on some people on college confidential’s stats that i have read who were denied–they were really high n still denied)… you should go in their threads to get better idea… i think i have given you enough criticism to work on lol…sorry, im not picking on you, but Tech is picky about its students, and im relaying that selectiveness onto you
best of luck in your college search =)</p>