my chances...?

<p>It's my 5th year in the U.S.
I'm not even a permanent resident so the financial burden for college tuition is crazy...!
Anyways, please chance me with explanation. thanks to you all in advance.</p>

<p>General Info.
Gender: male
Ethnicity: Korean
School: public school</p>

GPA: 3.95(unweighted)
Currently taking AP Calc BC, AP Physics C, newspaper, AP lit, drumline, and AP U.S. gov(F)/ AP comparative gov(S)</p>

SAT I: 2130 V 650, M 760, W720
SAT II: Math II 800, planning on taking Bio&Chem on Oct., and Korean on Nov.
AP: AP European history 4, AP Calc AB 5, AP Chem 5, AP Lang/Comp 4</p>

<p>EC and other
- 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo (continued in the U.S.)
- played in band all 4 years
- current band council President and former treasurer
- membership in CSF for all high school years (don't know if i am elected as treasurer because the former president lost the paper with the result in it)
- qualified to AIME
- translator in the monthly pamphlet that the prison ministry circulates to the inmates</p>

-Johns Hopkins
-Boston College

<p>I know my EC's aren't that good and I don't plan on applying to all of them, but I want to know. Thank you again for the people who chance me :)</p>

<p>Also can you include your intended major, because that way people can give better advice on what matches are better for your major, which aren’t, and what higher ranked schools are better for your major.</p>

-Johns Hopkins: reach
-Harvard: impossible
-Yale: impossible
-Columbia: high reach
-Brown: reach</p>

<p>others are lowreach/safety</p>

<p>I’d say</p>

<p>thank you! btw my intended major is biochem, but my plan is to go to med school.</p>

<p>Nice profile! (I’m a black belt, too!)
Your scores are strong (you might want to bring up that CR score to be more competitive, though). I think you’re a solid applicant, but essays will play a big factor (as they always do) for those top schools. Upenn, Harvard, Yale and Columbia are reaches, while JHU and Brown are more match/reaches. Others are safety/matches in my opinion. Good luck!!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>All of the ivys are reaches, for 90% of applicants including you(with such a low acceptance rate it is quite difficult for anyone.) For the rest, you have a great chance at. If you can, get your SAT’s up.</p>