<p>It's my 5th year in the U.S.
I'm not even a permanent resident so the financial burden for college tuition is crazy...!
Anyways, please chance me with explanation. thanks to you all in advance.</p>
<p>General Info.
Gender: male
Ethnicity: Korean
School: public school</p>
GPA: 3.95(unweighted)
Currently taking AP Calc BC, AP Physics C, newspaper, AP lit, drumline, and AP U.S. gov(F)/ AP comparative gov(S)</p>
SAT I: 2130 V 650, M 760, W720
SAT II: Math II 800, planning on taking Bio&Chem on Oct., and Korean on Nov.
AP: AP European history 4, AP Calc AB 5, AP Chem 5, AP Lang/Comp 4</p>
<p>EC and other
- 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo (continued in the U.S.)
- played in band all 4 years
- current band council President and former treasurer
- membership in CSF for all high school years (don't know if i am elected as treasurer because the former president lost the paper with the result in it)
- qualified to AIME
- translator in the monthly pamphlet that the prison ministry circulates to the inmates</p>
-Johns Hopkins
-Boston College
<p>I know my EC's aren't that good and I don't plan on applying to all of them, but I want to know. Thank you again for the people who chance me :)</p>