My Chances?

<p>I'll try to keep this as short as possible.
SAT - 2230
SAT II - 800 Math IIC , 730 Physics
GPA - approx. 4.1 =( [somehow currently in the top 5% in an extremely competitive high school]
Should improve next semester to about 4.3.</p>

3 years of FIRST Robotics Team - on the exec team this year [about 20 hours a week average]
3 years of STK Club
Member of the American Cancer Society 4 years -
Planning member for Relay for Life in my area for 3 and one of the
team captains next year.
1 year of Cross Country and Track but I had to quit after a leg injury. (should I even include this since its only a year?)
2 Years of computer club.</p>

<p>I want do apply only if I have a chance of being accepted. Also, would I have a better chance if I applied Early Decision?
I was also wondering about the enviornment there. What are the people like? I have lived in Los Angeles for a while so I have never experienced life in a small town. Any input is welcome! Thanks a lot in advance for your reply.</p>

<p>Edit - I thought I should add the fact that I'm Indian, which counts as Asian. Will it have a substantial negative impact like in many other colleges?</p>

<p>yes much better chance early decision. Just don't report your ethnicity and it won't hurt you. Sure include the XC becuse it's still something you did.</p>

<p>Your GPA and rank are high, but know cornell looks at a recalculated standard unweighted GPA for everyone. SAT I&II are also good. You have a pretty good chance.</p>

<p>Wouldn't they find out anyways?</p>

<p>being indian does have a substantial impact and yes they will find out even if you choose not to answer it.</p>

<p>you have to give us more info - breakdown of SAT score, how many APs you took (and how many are offered at your school), unweighted GPA, and most importantly which college you are applying to.</p>

<p>out of curiosity, what percentile is 730 on physics?</p>

<p>Here is the stuff you wanted...
I wanted to apply to the college of Engineering. Cornell is one of the toughest in the country.
SAT - 800M , 730V, 700W</p>

<p>The SAT II Physics is 80th percentile.</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA is ~3.8
Freshman: H Bio, H English, Spanish I, Math Analysis, Trig,
Teams - Track & Field, Cross Country
Sophmore: AP Calc AB, AP Comp Sci., H World Hisotry, H English, H Chem,
Spanish II, Robotics
Junior: AP Physics, AP Calc BC, AP Lang & Comp, H US History, Spanish III,
Senior[this coming school year]: AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Econ, AP Stats, AP Chem,

<p>You've got a real good shot. If you apply ED I think you'll definitely get in. Only apply ED if you KNOW you want to come to Cornell. If you can afford it, I recommend flying out here and staying for a night or two to get a feel for the place.</p>

<p>You don't feel the small town effects because the Cornell population is just so huge. Since the undergrad population is large, you'll have all sorts of people here, so it's hard to describe the "average" Cornellian. I'm Indian too, and there are a good number of us here. There's a South Asian organization here that is pretty active if you are into that sort of thing. Also, please come to Cornell because a lot of my friends are Californians and they tend to be cool and laid back 8-)</p>

<p>There are a couple engineers that post here so if you have any questions about the place, feel free to ask. Take care and good luck.</p>

<p>I concur. A good chance if you apply ED. Take Math IIC though.</p>

<p>You definitely have a good chance, like everyone else said :p.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help!</p>

Umm..I did take Math IIC ...</p>

<p>right on, sorry i thought it said IC</p>