My classmate stole my homework. Should I email my professor?

I always finish my essays long before the due date, as such, my classmates always ask me questions about my homework, such as how many pages I wrote, or if I put pictures. That was ok for me until today, because no one ever copied me or stole my homework, but now I know I can’t trust most of them. Yesterday, one classmate asked me to show him a guideline of a research paper, I told him I would send him a PDF protected copy, and that those were only guidelines, as everyone was supposed to research about a different thing. Today my classmates handed me down all their works (they wanted me to submit all their homeworks, because they believe our professor does not hate me as much as he “hates” them). So I got all the works, and, out of curiosity, started reading one after another, until I found the aforementioned classmate, the one who asked me for a guideline, COPIED my homework word after word. I confronted him and told him to either tell the professor that he plagiarized my work or simply don’t submit the homework. He got angry at me, telling me that I was overreacting. After that, I asked some other classmates to comparte both works, and everyone concluded that he copied me. He said that he would change his homework, I gave the professor the all the homeworks but not his, but minutes later, a friend that I really trust, told me she saw him getting into our professor’s office and putting his homework on the homework pile. Now I’m afraid that our professor will accuse me of plagiarism, so I don’t know if it would be wise to email the professor and telling him about this situation (for the record, this professor is against plagiarism so much, he told another classmate who copied a paper that he better drop or get an F; also, our professor is a very difficult man, he gets angry about everything, and I don’t know if he would blame about what happened).

Yes but also go see the professor in person ASAP - emails do get lost on occassion