My college life is a mess.. Any suggestions would be appreciated..

<p>Ugh.. Okay, so let's start from the top:</p>

<p>I enrolled at CCP (Community</a> College of Philadelphia) in about 2006. Didn't really know what I was going to do.. At the time I just wanted a job as a programmer vs. the guinea pig thing (Wired</a> Magazine: Drug Test Cowboys: The Secret World of Pharmaceutical Trial Subjects) I was doing at the time.. Trying to pay for school out of pocket while at the same time I couldn't make money and attend classes at the same time, due to the nature of these drug testing side gigs.</p>

<p>So after about 2 semesters, I spent about 6-8 months not taking any classes, just learning Rails enough to get some gigs. It was difficult but it worked out.. Even though I really don't like doing it as much, I can grin and bear it. As 2007 closes and 2008 shows up, I go back to taking classes, but my job being stressful and my boss demanding, I don't attempt that many credits. Regardless, I'm taking Discrete Math which some consider a difficult class. I think it was of moderate difficulty. Perhaps the ideas could be presented a bit better. But regardless, my main gripe is that the teacher was very condescending and needlessly strict. I show up and there is only 11 people who registered for this class, as opposed to the average 30. As it turns out he's the most hated guy in CCP and people don't even bother registering if he's teaching it. He's that bad. No matter.. I do decently but after of 2 months of being indirectly insulted by some elitist mathematician, I get tired of being ridiculed and drop the class.</p>

<p>It was strange, though, since the heart of discrete math is all about doing proofs, which I found rather interesting. To me, they are very similar to programs, in a way. Even though this guy was a complete jerk I can see that this is some beautiful mathematics. At this point I'm confused. Am I a math major now? Or just a theoretical computer scientist? Do I want to take more math courses now? I just want some time to think. So that, plus my own lack of planning, I mostly sit this semester out, only end up taking one class the Fall of 2008.</p>

<p>About that time I managed to finally figure out financial aid. So the next spring I get on the gov't bandwagon and take 3 more courses. I pull a string of A's.. Things are looking up. I attempt to take a bunch of math courses over the summer.. Didn't work out.. I meet Condescending math jerk B and due to my own stupidity and pride, I embarrass myself and drop Linear Algebra in the summer. So much for that.. At least I got Calc II out of the way.</p>

<p>Fall of 2009 goes well, except for Physics, which was designed, so it seems, to knock a lot of people out of the race. I wouldn't really say this course is difficult but just time consuming and unnecessarily vague. You want me to use logic to arrive at a reasonable answer about abstract objects in frictionless vacuums, but the principles of physics are not air-tight axioms from which I can derive new results.. I have to rely on intuition about how the world really works.. I can see how proofs are related to computer science. Related an understatement, I'd say. But what does physics have to do with computer science? Electrical engineering, maybe, but computer science... not much at all. I'm still trying to decide what I think of physics. I've seen some beautiful physics, so maybe it's not all that bad. (Mathematics</a> proof vs Physicists proof) But no matter. I would have been able to conform to this guys 5 day a week plan if I didn't have a part-time job so I could devote all my waking hours to it. But then again, the some of the physics people here also seem to be jerks who look down on some of the students. Why are there so many at this college? I think this is the academic ghetto where PhD's can't go any lower.</p>

<p>So now it's 2010 and I have yet to complete this associates degree. If it wasn't for physics I could have potentially graduated. 2 weeks ago I requested to talk to a counselor about all this, decide if I should transfer to Temple or Drexel or what, or if I should stick around and complete this thing. As it turns out I was supposed to arrange a transfer agreement before I reached 30 credits, which I'm way over now. So whatever scholarship money I could have had is out the window. She tells me that with my GPA I could potentially make it to Drexel, but that I'm going to have to pull together the money somehow. I cursory look tells me that I'm not eligible for a quite a number of scholarships because I haven't been going full time. Plus I just don't feel like running around and getting my hopes up to be turned down later.. Yeah, I know, I'm a pussy when it comes to rejection. It's part of my wiring. (Social</a> anxiety disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)</p>

<p>Student Type: Continuing
Curriculum Information
Current Program
Associate in Science
Program: AS Computer Science</p>

<p>Fall 2006
ENGL 101 Distance Education CR English Composition I A<br>
MATH 161 Distance Education CR Precalculus I A </p>

<p>Spring 2007
CSCI 111 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Prog & Alg Devel I A<br>
ENGL 102 Distance Education CR English Composition II A<br>
MATH 162 Distance Education CR Precalculus II A </p>

<p>Spring 2008
CSCI 112 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Prog & Alg Dev II A<br>
MATH 163 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Discrete Mathematics I W </p>

<p>Summer I 2008
MATH 171 Distance Education CR Calculus I W<br>
MUS 101 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Piano I A </p>

<p>Summer II 2008
MUS 102 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Piano II B </p>

<p>Fall 2008
SOC 101 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Introduction to Sociology A </p>

<p>Spring 2009
MATH 163 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Discrete Mathematics I A<br>
MATH 171 Distance Education CR Calculus I A<br>
OA 102 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Keyboarding & Skill A<br>
PSYC 101 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Introduction to Psychology A </p>

<p>Summer I 2009
MATH 172 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Calculus II A<br>
MATH 270 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Linear Algebra W </p>

<p>Fall 2009
CSCI 211 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Data Structures and Algorithms A<br>
JAPN 101 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Elementary Japanese A<br>
MATH 270 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Linear Algebra A<br>
PHYS 140 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Mechanics, Heat and Sound W </p>

<p>Spring 2010
CSCI 212 Distance Education CR Micro Assembly Lang<br>
CSCI 213 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Computer Organization<br>
MATH 271 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Calculus III<br>
MATH 272 Main Campus Spring Garden St CR Differential Equations </p>

<p>So what do you guys think?</p>

<p>iono, dropout and be a labrat </p>

<p>Positive ca$Hflow + decreased life expectancy ~~ works</p>

<p>I don’t understand what the question is here.</p>

I’m going to need a summary. Bonus points if the summary is in fourteen words or less.</p>

<p>can you handle the work load and the cost? thats my rhetorical question for you</p>

<p>Takin him hella long to get an AA, wants to be programmer dood</p>

<pre><code> Yahtzee

<p>TL;DR. We don’t need your life’s story, we just need the question and RELEVANT background.</p>

<p>Go Owls!!!</p>

<p>LOL most random stuff ever… ok heres mine</p>

<p>rejection at all places</p>