<p>Sorry for the long post! This is the (probably too in-depth) story of a major part of my life for quite a while now.</p>
<p>Let me start by saying that this is the story of an unhooked, over-represented, high-achieving bright kid, like many of you, who started browsing CC a year and a half ago as a clueless HS junior. Back then, I would never in a million years envision myself to be where I am today, and with CC playing a huge role in it all.</p>
<p>Background: Asian, California, all As including 9 AP classes, 2260 SAT, 780M2, 720 CH, 800 Lit. Decent ECs by CC standards.
The college search really began fall of my junior year. One of my best friend’s moms who we knew as very college savvy--she had just had a daughter go through the process, and is a CC senior member (did not know this at the time)--was browsing for her then-sophomore D and invited my mother and me to go and tour the Claremont Consortium.</p>
<p>As someone who had had a very blurry and unfocused picture on the entire process/college in general up till then, that trip opened a new world to me. The most significant of the colleges we toured that day would turn out to be Harvey Mudd--I fell in love with the quirky nerd culture, unicycles, pranks, and friendly students.</p>
<p>My initial view was very naive and skewed--The CC mom’s oldest daughter who was very smart and also unhooked, applied to very selective engineering schools and was not rejected anywhere. I didn’t know at the time that this was an unusual feat, and figured that I should have the same chances as well. Like most kids on here, I had always succeeded at everything, gotten exactly what I wanted, and figured this should be no exception.</p>
<p>I was traditionally a humanities kid(easily aced every english test and class, read and wrote a ton in my spare time) but wasn’t really attracted to the idea of it as a major or career. I liked science, but none of the hard sciences I had experience with really appealed to me. CC mom’s D was an engineering major, and it seemed pretty interesting to me. (at least no less interesting than anything else I researched)</p>
<p>I still have the original college list I came up with, with the labels I designated at the time:
Brown(a friend went there, it was an Ivy, why not) Harvey Mudd, Stanford(I’m from California)
“Maybe”(my junior year self’s equivalent to the CC “Match”)--Cornell, Northwestern, and Rice, Carnegie Mellon(heard about it as a good engineering school)
“Backup”--Santa Clara University(CC mom’s D’s safety) University of Rochester-
My skewed (and mislabeled) list, and the lack of any UCs demonstrate my naivete at the time :3.</p>
<p>I dove headfirst into reading all about colleges, the SAT, etc., and in the process stumbled across CC. I’m not sure when I went from browsing to obsession, but I do know I used it for everything and read hundreds of chances threads, and stats/results threads, soaking up information like a sponge. At this time I was also studying for standardized tests and the information (book recommendations, tips, especially xiggi’s SAT stuff) was golden.</p>
<p>Like most CC juniors, I read stats threads to see where I compared to everybody else, and developed the attitude that I should definitely have a good chance at most schools. Sure, there were those kids with the 2300+ SATs that got rejected from tons of places,. but there were also those unhooked kids with miracle acceptances to HYPMS. I resolved to be in the second group. I longed to get started with the process in the fall.</p>
<p>I also began to narrow in on engineering as a possible major. Based on what I read on CC, I also applied to four STEM summer programs: RSI, Bank of America Student Leaders, SCEEP(UMich), and MITES. Researching the different engineering possibilities for essays(I remember googling ‘engineering’ and reading the Wikipedia profiles for the different types) made me more certain.
On CCs recommendation and advice, I also began an internship in a great UCI Medical Center Neuropsychiatry research lab that I still continue in.</p>
<p>I visited Stanford, UC Berkeley, and USC. I didn’t care much for Stanford--the campus was too resort-y. USC was too in the middle of the city, big, and loud, but the kids and school itself seemed good. UC Berkeley was probably my favorite of the three(and I also knew that aforementioned CC mom’s D chose it over multiple other top-20 acceptances).</p>
<p>I began narrowing in on what I really wanted out of a college. Above all, I really wanted to go out of state(I defined it as “a place with seasons”) and somewhere really far, where it snowed in the winter time. I dreamed of east-coast private universities and saw schools like the UCs and USC as last resorts.</p>
<p>The revelation of engineering as a major resulted in kicking Brown from the list. Under pressure to balance my list, I also took Northwestern off and added Lehigh, USC, and UCI as matches and safeties.<br>
At this time, I was becoming very savvy about the college process due to CC. The results for the Class of 2017 were coming out, and I began realizing that I actually didn’t stand a good chance at most of the schools on my list! I actually had a crisis about this….until:</p>