My Creation: The Applicant Index

<p>Instead of the famous Academic Index, I came up with my own system of rating college Applicants. It doesn't just include your stats, but also takes your ECs and course load into account. Although it is not perfect and is very subjective, it is an alternative to the Academic Index.</p>

<p>Here's How it works:</p>

<p>Your SAT score is your starting score. So if you got a 1900, that is what you begin with.</p>

<p>Take all of your SAT II tests and average them out. Then add the average to your SAT score. If you didn't take any, add 400to your score.</p>

<p>Answer these 5 questions:</p>

<p>1.) What is your class rank?
a) Top 2%<br>
b) Top 10%
c) Top 25%
d) Top 50%
e) Bottom 50%
f) Bottom 10%</p>

<p>2.) Rate your ECs, athletics, and awards:
a) Outstanding
b) Very Good
c) Decent
d) Average
e) Non-Existent</p>

<p>3.) How were your essay and recommendations?
a) Outstanding
b) Good
c) Average
d) I don’t have either</p>

<p>4.) How was your high school course load?
a) Most Demanding
b) Very Demanding
c) Somewhat Demanding
e) Average
f) Below Average
g) Fluff-Courses</p>

<p>Class Rank Rating Chart
Top 2% = 2400 points
Top 10% = 2000 points
Top 25% = 1700 points
Top 50% = 1300 points
Bottom 50% = 1000 points
Bottom 10% = 300 points</p>

<p>ECs Rating Chart
Outstanding = 1400 points
Very Good = 1100 points
Decent = 800 points
Average = 500 points<br>
Non-existent = 0 points</p>

<p>Essays and Recommendations
Outstanding = 300 points
Good = 200 points
Average = 100 points
I don’t have any = 0 points</p>

<p>Course Schedule
Most Demanding = 700 points
Very Demanding = 550 points
Somewhat Demanding = 400 points
Average = 250 points
Below Average = 100 points
Fluff-Courses = 0 points</p>

<p>Add your SAT score, average SAT II score, and the points you earned based on your answers to get your overall score. I desgined this test to be like a section of the SAT. The maximum score is an 8000 and the Max on a SAT section is an 800. A score of 7000 on this test should be similar to a 700 on an SAT section. I did this so you yourselves would be able to judge if your score is good or not.</p>

<p>let me know how you do and what you think of the Applicant Index.</p>

<p>this thing sucks. sorry dude but the system is horrible</p>

<p>lmao agreed</p>