Prompt: If you were offered the role of the villain or the hero in a movie, which role would you accept and why?
I would like lot’s of feedback and critique! Thanks!!!
The battle between good and evil is a timeless concept, one that many authors and movie producers have spent years scrutinizing in order to come up with the perfect story line. The complicated hero with the twisted past, constantly working to fight off their evil from within? Or the obvious hero, born into the role with a natural sense of helping their community. Maybe it is not as simple as good verse evil. I believe there can be a little bit of evil in all good people, and perhaps a little bit of good behind the most evil of people. After much analysis, I have come to terms with the idea that I would choose to be a Robin Hood, neither a hero nor a villain, but rather an anti-hero.
While there are many different versions, the basic tale of Robin Hood is simple; he steals from the rich and gives to the poor. This action translates to a modern day felony; breaking and entering into a home and taking something, also known as burglary. However, in Robin Hood’s story, he is doing it for the sake of helping his community. Thus, the question remains, is he really truly a hero, or is he a villain for stealing. First, I would like to investigate the idea that he is stealing from innocent people (or animals, as is the case in the Disney version.) One might say they worked hard for their money and deserve to hold onto it. These rich people do have a lot to give away, however, is it really someone else’s place to decide that?
Yet, Robin Hood appears to many as a hero, someone who challenges the restrictions of society and dares to steal from a source that has plenty to give. Although he is stealing, his intentions of using it for good lead me to believe he might just be a hero. After all, he has many of the qualities of a hero, for example, courageous and noble. Robin Hood is presumably stealing from the rich, however, in many stories he is doing it because he believes it was not their money and goods to begin with. The story often tells of a situation where the poor were unjustly taxed and thus lost all of their tangible worth.
While it depends on perspective and belief, it seems clear that Robin Hood is at least some kind of hero, most likely an anti-hero. I would choose to be Robin Hood because I relate more to the character of an anti-hero. This is someone who lives in a world where good verse bad is not always clear, someone who is not always confident in themselves but try and do what is best for the greater good. They tend to be more unique, more raw in their emotions and actions. The anti-hero does not care whether they are noticed or rewarded for their good doings, similar to how Robin Hood flies under the radar in his efforts to restore the money to the poor. I would choose to be an anti-hero because I can relate to the fact that this is someone who wait in the back for something to go wrong, a chance to help someone and do their best to do some good, however, doubting their efforts along the way. I hope to be able to change someone’s life someday, even if it is just one person, but I am still young and flawed. I want to make a difference in the world, however, I do not yet know how I intend to do this. With good intentions but no plan, I feel as though I identify most with the anti-hero, someone who still dreams of one day being a classic story book hero.