My Extra-Curricular Activities...Advice???

<p>Well I was hoping you guys could give me your opinion on some of my EC's. </p>

<p>Did you include everything? Or just the one's that were very important?</p>

<p>I don't want them to think I'm padding my application. So since you guys are all familiar with UM, I was hoping you could tell me which EC's are useless to put on my app, or if everything sounds legit.</p>

<p>So here is my stuff. (EC's/Community Service/Awards)</p>

<p>*Relay 4 Life (5yrs) - 2 family members have cancer, and my school team raises over 20k every year.
*Key Club (4yrs) - Vice President
*Tennis (4yrs) - "Most Consistent Player" Award
*Journalism/Newspaper (2yrs) - Entertainment Editor
*Foreign Foods Club (2yrs) - Vice President
*Early Academic Outreach Program (3yrs)
*California Scholarship Federation (4yrs)
*Block B Academic Letter
*Honor Roll (Every Semester)
*Certificate of Scholastic Achievement
*Random Acts of Kindness Club (2yrs)
*Conservation Club (2yrs)
*Sign Language Club (2yrs)
*Fun Fest (4yrs) - My school puts on a festival for special ed kids every year.</p>

<p>So does anything stick out...that looks like padding?</p>


<p>I'd include all of it but that's just me and I did and I got in lol</p>


<p>if you seriously want to take things out, take out things that haven't made a big difference in your life....... things you did like only freshman or sophomore year (I mean things you did for 1 or 2yrs)</p>

things you did all throughout high school
things you had leadership positions in
things you got awards for
things that you can write about in the part where you talk about how volunteering or an EC impacted your life</p>

<p>hope that helps</p>

<p>Yea U should keep it all. However nothing in my opinion sticks out as truly remarkable. However, nevertheless, its still good and will defiantely help when u apply. How many community service hours u got? I know UM loves all that stuff, so try doing it. Also when u get hours, list the activity u did. Finally get into a leadership conference or a activity that shows leadership. For example: Model United Nations.</p>

<p>Counting Relay 4 Life, (since it is a 24hour event, and then setting up, and raising money, and team meetings,etc.) I have around 200 hours.</p>

<p>Do you know sign language?</p>

<p>Oh, and I think Relay 4 Life stands out! In the common application there is a place where you talk about volunteering and how it's changed you....... I think that since some of your family members have had cancer, that it could definitely be a good thing to write about.</p>