My gpa for columbia?

I am currently a junior in high school
I was wondering if my GPA is decent enough to get into Columbia
In my freshman year, i got a 4.0
In my sophomore year, i took 2 APs. I got 2 Bs in first semester, and straight As in 2nd semseter
In my junior year, i took 5 APs. I got striahgt As for 1st semester and i am currently on 2nd semester.</p>

<p>So basically, the only Bs i got was in 1st semester of my sophomore year.
Since then, i got straight As.
I think i can get 4.33 GPA (9-11th grade) by the end of my junior year.
Do u think it's gud enough for columbia?</p>

<p>Oh man, sorry but a 4.33 is too high. I heard community college is enrolling though.</p>

<p>… okay. I just wanna know if it’s enough. LOL. Honest opinions pls. Thnx.</p>

<p>yea i believe its GUD enuff. i wonder if they will ever offer a course in modern txt writing. that will be the day I weep for america’s yuth</p>

<p>what’s your rank?</p>

<p>Unless you’re referencing a weighted gpa, it’s impossible for you to get a 4.33/4.0 (this would be straight A+'s for all courses all 3 years).</p>

<p>uh. it’s weighted GPA. LOL
My rank would be around 8-10 out of 700.
Would it be okay for columbia and other ivies?</p>

<p>There is no concrete gpa cutoff for Columbia or any of the Ivies. Yes, you can be accepted with your gpa. Yes, you can be rejected with your gpa.</p>

<p>2 B’s? Forget it. The moment the adcom sees those two B’s they’ll laugh and toss it into the fire.</p>

<p>^ Many adcoms use bonfires as their only source of light when reviewing applicants. Fact.</p>

<p>are you serious?.. so if you have any Bs, there’s no way u wil get into the ivies… LOL?</p>

<p>Yep. I heard of someone who was rejected soley on the fact of his A-. The Columbia admissions director told me so. Straight from the horse’s mouth.</p>

<p>I heard that same kid is now homeless. He was last seen wandering the streets of Detroit begging citizens for a few dollars to get his fix.</p>

<p>luke that is absolutely nonsense… there is no distinction in the citizenry and the homeless in detroit. its pretty much one and the same.</p>

<p>I heard that if you got 3 whole Bs and still had the guts to apply, they actually burn your house down as a warning to future applicants. It was all over the news last March.</p>

<p>Yeah angrygoldfish, I found that news clipping. [here</a> it is](<a href=“]here”></p>

<p>EDIT: If you live in West Harlem (Manhattanville), Columbia will be tearing your home down no matter what grades you get.</p>

<p>i bet the kid used that life story as his essay about determination… probly goes to columbia now</p>

<p>I like your style Mr. Davis.</p>

<p>Seriously, you’ll be fine. Everyone hits a bump every now and then. Just make sure you ace the SATs and get some good advice on college selection (reaches, safeties, etc.).</p>

<p>Good luck to you in high school!</p>


<p>CC’ers are so kewl.</p>