I figured I might as well do a quick write-up on my amazing interview experience from two days ago in case anyone’s interested in what theirs could be like.
Met up with my interviewer at a coffee shop on Black Friday in the morning. I wasn’t grilled with the typical interview questions that I had expected to encounter. The entire talk, which lasted just under two hours, was very casual, personal, and informative as others have mentioned as well. My interviewer weaved in questions in between our talks, asking about what drew me to Yale, how a peculiar experience I mentioned influenced the me today, and what I would change at my school.
I was a bit fidgety from excitement and nervousness, but the overall conversation really drew me closer to Yale and looking forward to Doomsday when early results are revealed. Regardless of whether I’m accepted or not, the Yale interview personally helped me realize more about myself.
I realize that not all interviews will the be same because they vary greatly depending on who your interviewer is. As my interviewer mentioned, there’s no need to stress countless nights and prepare answers beforehand.
Best of luck to applicants and I hope you enjoy your interview!