My mom completed college in The Dominican Republic, now she works an unskilled job.

I did not exactly know where to ask this. I’ve been trying to find the answer on google for about 10 minutes and nothing shows up, so i decided to come here.
My mom was born in the Dominican Republic to an underprivileged family but made her way through high school and graduated with honors. She got offered a scholarship to become a teacher and even though she wanted to become a doctor she took the opportunity and became a college graduate and eventually an elementary school teacher. My mom loves teaching and i think I’m being biased but she was the best teacher ever. She met my dad in college and even though she got pregnant with me she finished her education. I even remember being taken to her college by my dad on some weekends ( It was far from home so she dormed). Eventually my dad’s father brought him the us and I came along with him. After a few years my dad did the same for my mom and she quit her teching job and came to the us. We live in the outer city of New York and we are doing all right, my parents eventually had two more kids so taking care of three kids and the family that still lives in the Dominican Republic really takes a toll on them. My dad is part owner of a barber shop and the business is not doing so well so my mom has to work too. We were and still are uninformed about college( i just started learning about college in detail in th past two years , I’m a rising high school junior) and the opportunities offered for people in my mom’s position.
My mom ended up doing what a lot of Spanish moms do when they move to the us, she became a certified home aid after a 6-8 week training. She gets payed more than minimum wage but i think is unfair that she has a college education and overcame all the odds to come to this country and have that all mean nothing. She knows a little English and is looking into English classes offered at our local community colleges.
I just want to know what I can do to help her become a teacher in the US, does her education hold any value? Will she have to go back to school and get a GED?
Thanks to anyone who answers :slight_smile:

Can you get a copy of her transcript from the University in the Dominican Republic? If so, a local college that offers teacher education and/or you state department of education may be able to evaluate her transcript and help you to figure out what else is needed.