<p>hiiiii!! i have been shadowing these forums for 2 months now and as the commonapp's out i created an account!!!!! :) :) :)</p>
<p>so this is my official chance thread!</p>
<p>scholastic achievements-
class 9: 96.4% ranked first
class 10: 96.8% ranked first in school (CBSE)
class 11: 91.2% (lol. like everyone else...... performance dip) but just managed to rank 1
class 12: hoping for a 92+ in the half-yearlies and preboards.</p>
<p>SAT 1: 2360.... 800 math, 790 writing, 770 reading.
SAT 2: 800s for math 2, bio, chem, physics.
TOEFL: 118/120 (i missed out two on the speaking section...... soooo distracted!) :( :(</p>
<p>olympiads and competitions-
national chem olympiad- rank 13
national cyber olympiad- gold
qualified the indian national maths olympiad
ntse scholar
all india award for robotics at iit bombay
presented paper at international conference (best paper award)
3 published research papers</p>
<p>co-curricular activities-
school captain (head-girl).... school council for 4 years.
national level swimmer (free-style)
state-level hockey player
president of drama society
president of debate society
president of quiz society
president of chem society
member of some other clubs
have been going to old age home to help cook and clean up every weekend for the last 3 years
started the community service society at my school
research work (nanotechnology)
trained kathak dancer
can speak english(obviously), hindi, punjabi, french, german fluently. am learning japanese now.</p>
<p>till i came here i thought i had realllllly good chances, but everyone here is soo awesome in their own way!! so please chance me for my long list of colleges-</p>
<p>stanford (first love)
harvey mudd
<p>thanksss so much! :) :) :)</p>
<p>i know my college list is very name value oriented.... but i'll be adding and removing names from this list..... so plss suggest also!! :) :) :)</p>
<p>You have amazing stats.I have problems convincing my parents and I’m Indian too.Dunno how you can convince them…but,do they know how good a 2360 and 3 800s are?</p>
<p>hehe! thxx. nooo my parents know that my stats are good!! but they don’t want me to leave them for college! we’re very close. hehe! actually, 4 800s! hehe! i think it is an indian thing! lol! for parents not wanting to send us to america!! so how are my chances? like the reach match safety? and helppppp me polish my list! :)</p>
<p>oh… not really sure of the major just yet! but i think i want to major in chemical engineering or nanotechnology. and yes i do need FA!! oh… and i like big campuses! hehe! tetris! you’ve been here soooo long! hehe! chance me!! :)</p>
<p>I think you’re a great applicant. VERY strong. To maximize your chances, I’d suggest you apply at the large, engineering-intensive universities. Not liberal arts colleges or places like UChicago. I’ll give you a detailed analysis in a little while, just hang on :)</p>
<p>Your stats are wonderful. Your parents will have to let you go sometime. If you really want to go to college in the US and choose not to because your parents didn’t want you to leave them… well, you’ll regret it your whole life. Do things for you. You’ll see them at holidays. You can videochat and send emails and letters. Good luck :)</p>
<p>Unless your parents are willing for you to go to college in the US it won’t happen. You will need their financial information every single year when you apply for financial aid. If you don’t need financial aid, you will most likely need them to pay for your education - unless of course you are independently wealthy.</p>
<p>Try to find out why your parents are resistant to your leaving the country for your undergraduate education. They may have reasons that you can accept. If you remain interested in nanotechnology, there is always grad school.</p>
<p>Those are very good stats
To be honest my parents are a bit on the other side too so I need to convince them everytime I talk about US education…but alas I dont have stellar stats like u…Good chances evrywhere…all the best…although harvard and caltech would be tough…it would be nice if you tell me more about your research paper…I am also in the same boat…tc :)</p>
<p>Talk to your parents. Explain to them that you have a really great shot at one of the best universities in the world. I’m sure that they will understand.</p>
<p>By the way, love your stats you have a great shot at all of them. Write a great essay and stanford will come knocking on your door:).</p>
<p>thank you so much everyone!! for your replies!! <em>hugs you all</em> hehe!!!</p>
<p>tetris, are there any external scholarships available for us for the US? i just started out on my college search and stuff! hehe! and you’re the guru! and thkss for the chance! oh, and i’m looking to cut my list, so any suggestions? i like BIG VIBRANT places! with spirit! and sports and research! hehe! is that too much to ask for? :)</p>
<p>happymom, wow! my parents don’t even know that something like CC exists! i like how you’re so into helping students! my parents don’t want me to not apply… it’s just that they’d like if i stay in india!! haha! we’re just very close… that’s it! they won’t force me to!! but they’d prefer if i stayed here!!</p>
<p>portugueseninja, awww! you’re probably better than me! the most impressive people are awesome the most modest! and yeah, they decision will totally be something that my parents and i agree on! :)</p>
<p>rt, indian parents! they just love us too much!! hehe! you have your caltech thing! so you must be pretty smart yourself!</p>
<p>smartchap, IITs or BITs or something i think! though i don’t like them! they are good and everything but they aren’t me! :(</p>
<p>cheese: thank you! you make me hungry! (roars) hehe!</p>
<p>a1r3j3u7n: is FA that hard to get?? thanks for the chances though! :)</p>