<p>hey! thanks sid! lol! i shall take that as a compliment! your posts are pretty awesome too! they’re detailed and interesting and well, just different! so let’s both/all CC-whore on! haha! (and mods- whore is NOT a vulgar word… so don’t go on censor it!! they censored the four letter word for anal-expulsions in one thread! o.O lol!!</p>
<p>oh- and RetardedBear, apt username! haha! kidding!
as i said, don’t flame me. it’s from personal experience. UCLA’s strange when it comes to admissions. i have a friend who got into berkeley and stanford, but got straight out rejected at UCLA (he holds world records for being the youngest for 2-3 programming certifications). the valedictorian at my school got into caltech, chicago, columbia and got rejected at UCLA. as i said, they just won’t take you in for your SAT or GPA (especially as an international). they want a package (no pun intended), though avantika’s (oh- and i like your name) a WOW-inducing applicant, so it shouldn’t be a problem for her!</p>
<p>michigan, on the other hand… NO ONE i know (including me) has unsuccessfully applied to michigan- this year or last year. people who were 50th percentile in my school made it to michigan with average ECs, no leadership and <2000 SATs… (okay, that’s just one guy) but the fact is… michigan takes you in easy… whereas from among the people i knew before i got into UCLA, no one else got in. (the phasings a bit wonky, but i just woke up- so bleh!)</p>
<p>also, you might want to consider that UCLA has an acceptance rate of 21.7% while michigan’s in 50.3%. surprise surprise! it’s more than double!! so now you might bring out the figures to show that the student body is very similar… but here’s the fact. how good their SATs are doesn’t show how similar they are. as i said, UCLA looks for the whole package… or at least something special. so it might take this dude who’s worked his way through high school and plays awesome basketball even if he doesn’t have the best SAT score! michigan on the other hand relies heavily on scores (from my experience). also, UCLA takes in a lot of transfer students from californian community colleges, so though i actually support this (it’s like a second chance for them), it does bring our average SAT and everything down (cuz most of them were obviously not good enough when they applied for freshman admissions).</p>
<p>conclusion? if it wasn’t pretty obvious in this tirade against michigan… it’s that UCLA is def. more selective than michigan… oh- and just for the record, this year it was more selective than berkeley and it received the highest number of applications all over america!
though they don’t release stats for this, apparently more people chose UCLA this year (among those who got into both, UCLA and berkeley)- again… at least friends and friends of friends did! (and berkeley actually CALLED US UP to ask why we did that! hahah! so i had a nice, 20 minute chat with an admissions-woman from berkeley telling her how awesome UCLA is and how i’d rather go there than to her school!!)
go bruins! lol!</p>
<p>shamelessly promoting my school? hell yeah! haha!</p>
<p>edit #2:
oh- and in terms of numbers, UCLA’s student body is stronger than berkeley’s…</p>
<p>higher average GPA.
more people from the top decile in their class.
a mere 13 point average SAT difference.</p>
<p>yeah… umm… just putting that in.</p>