<p>1.A man with type O Positive blood is unlikely to be the father of child with which of the following blood types ?
(A) A negative
(B) B negative
(C) O negative
(D) O positive
(E) AB positive</p>
<p>2.8.an animal breeder notice that one breeding pair nearly always producers at least one albino per litter ,with a ratio 1 ,albino to 3 normally pigmented animals which of the following is the most likely mode of inheritance for this type of albinism ?
(A)Autosomal recessive
(B)autosomal dominant
(C)autosomal lethal
(D)sex linked dominant
(E) sex linked recessive</p>
<p>3.which of the following concepts did Mendel describe ?
I. Dominant recessive
II.independnt assortment
III.segregation of characteristic
(A)I only
(B)II only
(C)III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I,II and III </p>
<p>4.if a trait is controlled by a single base pair ,then the genotype of an individual carrying identical alleles for that trait is referred to :
(E) homozygous</p>
<p>5.in the inheritance of human blood groups ,it is known that alleles for blood types A and B are dominant the allele for t O and that the alleles for type A and B are codominant children of two parents of blood type O are most likely to be :
(A)Type O only
(B) any Type But O
(C)Types A or B only
(D) Type AB only
(E) any one of the Four Types A,B,AB or O</p>
.if two Parents are carries of the same recessive allele and their first five children exhibit the dominant phenotypes ,the probability that their next child will exhibit the recessive phenotype :
(E)1 </p>
<p>7.True statement about linked genes include which of the following ?
I. the alleles for linked genes may be separated due to crossing over
II.Linked genes are the same chromosome
III.Linked genes Occur only on the sex chromosome<br>
(A) I Only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I,II only
(E) I , II and III </p>
<p>8.18.the mode of inheritance of certain disease is autosomal-recessive .A man who has the disease marries woman who dose not .Their first child is unaffected, but their second child has the disease the chance that the third child will have the disease is :
(D)75 %
<p>9.which of the following was NOT used by Mendel in his study of the genetics peas
(A)Maintenance of true breeding lines
(D)Production of hybrid plants
(E)Quantitative analysis of result </p>
<p>10.in sheep , white wool is due to a single dominant allele and black wool is due to the recessive allele, Two sheep with white wool are mated and produce a lamb with black wool.if they produce another lamb ,what is probability that it will have white wool ?
<p>11.A population of mice with coat colors ranging from black to white ,including all intermediate shades ,is introduced into a habitat primarily composed of black rocks in which there are a number of aerial predators .After several generations ,which of the will most likely be true of the coat color in this population of mice ?
(A)Coat color will revert to the wild type
(B)the ratio of black coat color to white coat color will be 3:1
(C)the black coat color will disappear
(D)the population will become dimorphic for coat color
(E) the average coat color will become darter </p>
<p>12.what percentage of offspring from the cross BbTTxbbTt would be excepted to have the genotype BbTt ?
<li>A particular charactirstic in humans is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait ,if a man with the trait and a woman without it have three sons without the trait ,which of the following can be concluded ?
(A)the children are heterozygous for the trait
(B)the woman is homozygous recessive for the trait
(C)the man is heterozygous for the trait
(D)the fourth child will have the trait
(E)the trait is sex linked </li>
<p>14.in the cross FfxFf in which F codes for the dominant trait ,the proportion of offspring with the dominant phenotype is expected to be ?
(E) 1</p>
<p>15.In fruit flies ,the allele for red eyes is dominant over the allele for sepia eye ,this trait is not sex linked ,if a heterozygous red –eyed fruit fly mated with sepia eyed fruit fly ,what percentage of the offspring would have sepia eves ?
(A) 0%
<p>16.in a man showing the recessive phenotype for a particular autosomal trait ,what is the expected percentage of his sperm cells that will carry the recessive allele associated with this trait ?
(A) 0%
<p>17.alleles A1 ,A2 and A3 are each expressed whenever present in genotype ,in the cross A2 A3 x A1 A2 what proportion of offspring should express A2 ?