My Professors - Please review

<p>What do you guys think of these professors, any helpful tips for their classes?</p>

<p>BUS-A 100 Tiller,Mikel Glenn
BUS-G 202 Kreft,Steven Francis
BUS-K 201 Unknown
CMCL-C 121 Unknown
MATH-M 118 Bercovici,Hari
SLAV-R 201 Unknown</p>

<p>Also on a side not, I tried looking up my books in the TIS database to get the ISBN numbers and started looking around on sites like and out of all my classes I found maybe 3 of the books on Amazon and Why is that exactly?</p>

<p>Also how do I order the books that are not in stock at either TIS or the IU Bookstore? Do I need the books on the first day of classes already?</p>

<p>Don't know the professors you listed except Tiller.</p>

<p>In his class, pay attention to doing the cash flow statement in particular. Go thoroughly over the past tests--he'll give these to you once you are in the class. Look carefully to make sure it's not a trick question (about 1/5 are) and then figure out why the answers are what they are. It's only an 8-week course, but it's "THE" weed-out course for Kelley admission.</p>

<p>P.S. He's the only professor that teaches the class, and about half the class either drops or gets a D or F--so if you don't have at least a C+ on the midterm, drop the course and retake it.</p>

<p>I have heard this about Tiller, any other reviews of some of my professors?</p>

<p>Any word on my question regarding textbooks?</p>