<p>The last thing i expexted was for it to go down....from 1520 to 1450 ....WHAT AM I GONNA DO?? HOW WILL I TELL MY PARENTS???? IM THINKING MY LIFE IS OVER...plZzzz help me</p>
<p>You will send colleges your higher score and you may decide to apply test optional. Your life isn’t over because you didn’t perform well on a four hour test.</p>
<p>@desie1 I know…but im literally crying right now…my parentsare going to be so dissapointed</p>
<p>Relax. Don’t compare yourself to scores you see here. Most people who come to this site are in the top 1% academically. So comparing scores to those here will make most scores look bad. 1520 (or better) will be the score that schools use (depending if they superscore). You may not be competitive for elite schools,but those are tough even when you have top scores.</p>
<p>It is also important to look at where those scores are. Specifically, What is the CR+M portion? The writing does not matter to many schools and is only used for placement into English Comp. </p>
<p>You should have a lot of options as long as your grades, class rank and ECs are pretty good. Even if they are not, there are MANY schools you can attend with more average scores. One site I read had the averages at just under 500 for CR and just over 500 for Math. That makes your scores sound pretty close to the national average. Do no despair!</p>
<p>@Torveaux i got a 480 on CR and Writting and 490 on math and a 10 on the essay</p>
<p>@Torveaux i dont know what to do…my school grades are really good im in the IB program.</p>
<h1>17 in my class out of like 680 students…Then Why is this SAT not working out?</h1>
<p>So you are right on par with average with very good writing. You will have options for college. They may not be the ego-boosting big name schools, but there are hundreds of state schools where you can get a great education and have an excellent life with those scores.</p>
<p>@Torveaux i dont plan on going to such college anyways…im in florida so i will apply here…
but im just so dissapointed…moreover my parents r going to be soo upset</p>
<p>What was your study regiment?</p>
<p>@CHD2013 i looked at the blue book…did practice problems…from the math section…went over tips…idk what to do with the Vocabulary.!!</p>
<p>Have you read the stickied threads in this forum? There’s a lot of excellent info.</p>
<p>Frankly, the tests are intended to measure your ability to access information quickly and to get a guage on what information you already have acquired. Grades and class rank are more about your ability to turn in assignments and prepare for tests. (sometimes it is also about how well you ‘manage’ the faculty at the school). Both tests and grades/rank tell universities something about applicants.</p>
<p>I would see your info as telling schools that you are of average intellengence, but work very hard to compete against others in your HS. </p>
<p>You can take more tests until you are blue in the face, but ultimately the tests are telling you something. Rather than focus on artificially boosting your score by ‘cramming’, just work with what you have.</p>
<p>I am sorry that your parents would be disappointed. Perhaps they do not understand that your scores are not bad.</p>