Mysterious Scholarship...?

Hello! First post (I think), but I’ll keep it short and sweet about my dilemma. I received an unknown scholarship from University of Penn Medical Center, but I’m not enrolled at UPenn whatsoever. The only affiliation I have with UPenn is that I applied for volunteer work there and I go to the endocrinology building for my routine diabetic check ups, but even so, I don’t think that’s worthy for a scholarship to my current school.
I got about $7K in scholarship money. I spoke to my financial aid representative and she doesn’t know where it came from. Neither do I.

What are my next steps? I don’t know where on UPenn to contact to ask about / verify if I’m the right person. I don’t want to take anyone else’s scholarship money but I think it’s strange it came to me and to my school, but never applied to Penn.
Any suggestions would be lovely on what I should do next.
No rude comments please and sorry for any possible grammar and spelling mistakes!

I’ll try to upload a picture if I can so you can see for yourselves.

Pictures are not allowed on CC.

Okay thanks!

But it’s still weird. Do you have any insight?

What is the exact description of the scholarship? Have you checked the Penn website and/or Googled it?

I did but all it says when I type in the search field "university of Penn medical center scholarship " it talks about the medical school stats and acceptance rates for a scholarship. Nothing about giving it to an outside source.
Like I said, I would hate to take the money away from someone if it’s meant for someone else so I just want to get to the bottom of it to see if I’m the actual recipient or not.

This was sent direct,y to your college? If so…contact the Bursars office and ask them the source. They should know.

Believe it or not I did and they have no clue

Do you have a common name? (Don’t post your actual name).

Is there a chance the scholarship could be some sort of scholarship that is given to pediatric diabetes patients at their clinic? Could you call your clinic and ask?

You’d think that even if the scholarship was for a patient that the OP would have had to supply at least minimal information - such as what school he was going to.

Honestly i have no clue. I will call and ask after the weekend since they’re aren’t open sat and sun. Good start and I didn’t think of that. That could be the case, but again I’m unsure. I never supplied my current school info to my endocrinologist so unless they pulled it up in the system or not by my SSN, idk.
But thank you so much for the advice! I’ll definitely try first thing Monday morning and let you know if I’m successful or not :slight_smile:

Make sure and let us know! I hope that is what is and you can keep it! Did you need it or no?

Honestly, it would be nice to keep it because I want to go on a graduation trip next year to Japan since it’s my dream, but I don’t need it. I have state grants and a scholarship to pay off my education, but I’m going to a community college right now so it isn’t s big cost burden.
Again, thank you so much for the advice! I’ll definitely update you on Monday!!

Did your community college at least know if they received the scholarship check in your name? How did they know to post it to your account?

If your clinic can’t tell you more, see if you can call UPenn medical center to see if they can put you in touch with the person who oversees the scholarship program.

Is your community college in Philadelphia?

^could you have gotten one of these kind of scholarships?