"Mystery" words that needs to be cracked into regular human understanding!

Can someone very experienced in the area of CSU EOP program PLEASE explain this >> “…A student denied admission TROUGH EOP who 1) is academically eligible for REGULAR ADMISSION as determined by the CSU eligibility index, is referred to the Admissions Office for regular admission…” . ehhm, admission TROUGH EOP ?

It means that if you apply to a Cal State for the EOP program but are not accepted into the EOP program at the specific CSU, you can still be admitted to the CSU through the regular admission process.

However, reference to the eligibility index is outdated since the CSU’s do not use the EI anymore due to being test blind. The CSU’s however will use their own specific admission criteria.


The primary goal of the CSU Educational Opportunity Program is to improve access of low-income, first generation and historically disadvantaged students with potential for academic success by making higher education a possibility. EOP provides a comprehensive program of support services which include, but are not limited to, recruitment, preadmission counseling, orientation, summer program, diagnostic testing, financial aid follow-up, special admissions, pre introductory instruction, academic advisement, tutoring, learning skill services, and personal, educational and career counseling.

Who is eligible for EOP consideration?
The following eligibility criteria are specified in the CSU Educational Opportunity Programs Regulations and Guidelines. An EOP student:

  • Has a history of low family income.
  • Must be enrolled on a full-time basis. (Part-time attendance requires program director’s approval.)
  • Is an undergraduate.
  • Needs admission assistance as an exception admit, OR Meets regular admission requirements but in the opinion of EOP personnel will require a full range of assistance to succeed.
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Thank you very much for your quick reply, appreciate a lot ! It is little confusing for me, and big chank of confusion is added because non of CSU reps explains this clearly or even it seems that they intentionally avoid giving any clear answers to this !.. Just little bit info about my application. I am CC transfer student and applied to EOP, and by all parameters I fit right there as if EOP requirements describe my life lol. So “admission trough EOP” means that EOP has a right to admit their “own” applicants into the campus bypassing the regular admission ? …

It is admission “through EOP” vs regular admission. There are additional materials that have to be submitted for the EOP program for applicants vs just submitting the CSU application.

Which means a student could still be admitted, right, just not via the EOP avenue. Is it sort of like being deferred in ED as a first time freshman?

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I think this is very valid question, and I assume many future students scratched their heads on this eop admission thing (including me). So lets say if next month there is eop committee meeting to decide on acceptance or denial of eop applicants, and say I am 1000% eligible, so if accepted in to EOP does that mean that I am accepted in to the college ( campus ) ? admitted to university trough EOP basically ( and so I don’t go trough regular admission rout yes? )

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This will help:


Its not helping my friend, believe me :wink: If only I can count how many times many of us had been directed to that page… Its just bunch of very formal, realy and I mean relly polished, well versed English sentences… so much so that many kids seek help decoding it in different forums like this one.

EOP gives assistance, but not a guarantee to qualifying students. Roughly 25% are admitted via EOP. The 75% that are not selected through the EOP process are either rejected and referred to community colleges to better ready them for a 4 year institution or rolled to the RD pool.

What specifically do you want to know?

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Thank you for clarification! I think you answered already “Roughly 25% are admitted VIA EOP”… So ok, in that case EOP itself is an admission body! Thanks!

I got that from this in the FAQ:

Is EOP able to accommodate all students who do not meet regular admission criteria?
No. Current CSU admission policy limits the number of students admitted as exceptions to a small percentage of the total number of undergraduate students admitted. EOP receives at least four times as many applicants as it is able to admit by exception.

If a student is denied admission through EOP, what happens next?
A student denied admission through EOP who 1) is academically eligible for regular admission as determined by the CSU eligibility index, is referred to the Admissions Office for regular admission, or 2) is not eligible for regular admission, may be referred to a community college to improve his or her skills, or the student may request that admission materials be forwarded to the EOP Office at the second-choice campus.

So it would seem it’s 25% at best.

The eligibility index is a minimum level to even be considered for regular decision students. @Gumbymom could explain it because it different from school to school. Cal Poly, the best I know, doesn’t publish theirs, other than things like having the minimum a-g classes. The last we knew there were minimum total scores where students below that mark would automatically be rejected.

Good luck to all!

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Below I linked an enrollment table showing how many EOP students are at each campus however, it does not show how many applied to the program as Freshman or Transfers and how many are accepted just how many enrolled. See Table 8 on the tabs.


If you have specific questions, you can contact SLO’s EOP program:

San Luis Obispo

Angela Marino
Student Academic Services,
Bldg. 52
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
P: [(805) 756-2301](tel:(805) 756-2301)
F: [(805) 756-5122](tel:(805) 756-5122)

Since you are a CC transfer, the criteria will be different in accessing your admission. You will be evaluated with the same criteria for all CC transfers along with the supplemental materials listed below:

EOP Materials

In addition to submitting a CSU application, applicants must complete the EOP portion of the application, including:

  1. Two names and email addresses for the letters of recommendation
  2. Autobiographical portion of the EOP sections

Please note in addition to the above, some programs may require additional supplemental information and/or an EOP interview.

The general deadlines to submit the EOP portion of your Cal State Apply application are as follows:

Fall: January 15

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Thank you very much for this information, appreciate a LOT !

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I think that 25% acceptance has to do only with “special admits” or exeption, meaning sportsmen, veterans, etc… Regretfully there is not much information about low income and first generation aplicant acceptance rate.