<p>if i'm creating a club, should i give it a cutesy name (because i am a cutesy person) or should i give it an impressive-sounding name. Won't change what I do with it, of course.</p>
<p>What is better for
-attracting members
-looking impressive</p>
<p>A cutesy name could be detrimental to membership and image. So could trying to make it sounds too impressive.</p>
<p>........I bet CC members start 90% of all HS clubs in the country.</p>
<p>what are the names you're considering?</p>
<p>I'd generally go with more professional. Cutesy names my seem nice now, but when the composition & personality of the group changes over the years, it may not be as appropriate. Cultural references especially may go dated rather quickly</p>
<p>there is a chance that if you use cutesy names, you will attract the wrong people. The professional name will give people a feeling of what is done in the club.</p>
<p>Remember that if your club is successful, you won't always be in charge of it. Thus when naming the club, it's illogical to choose a name for how well it fits your own personality.</p>