<p>We received the email below from the Acting Deputy Manager, Space Grants at NASA today and wanted to pass this wonderful opportunity on to you.*</p>
<p><em>NASA will be placing 89 students in spring USRP internships.</em> These internships are 15 weeks in length (starting in Mid-January), and are degree-relevant.* They will be distributed across all 10 NASA centers around the country.</p>
<p>I apologize for the late notice, but this program was given funding at the last minute.* As of today there are only 200 applicants for these 89 positions, so this is a great opportunity for student to get their foot in the door with an employer who is difficult to get into.</p>
<p>*Please encourage your students to apply they must be US citizens with GPA above 3.0 and be enrolled full-time in an Engineering, Math, Computer, or physical science B.S. degree-program.</p>
<p>If you are interested you must apply on-line at intern.nasa.gov before October 11th.</p>
<p>If you are contacted by NASA and offered a position, contact the Co-op Office.* We can help you to participate in a non-summer professional internship, such as this, through our Professional Practice Program.* The Co-op Professional Practice Program enables students to work during spring or fall semesters and maintain their full-time student status.* For more information on the Co-op Professional Practice Program visit our website at [Cooperative</a> Education at The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://coop.eng.ua.edu/pp.html]Cooperative”>http://coop.eng.ua.edu/pp.html).</p>
<p>Ms. Powell</p>
<p>Naomi Powell</p>
<p>Associate Director</p>
<p>Cooperative Education and Professional Practice Program</p>
<p>The University of Alabama</p>
<p>Phone 205/348-8549** Fax 205/348-2459</p>
<p>Visit Our Website:* [Cooperative</a> Education at The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://coop.eng.ua.edu%5DCooperative”>http://coop.eng.ua.edu)</p>
<p>Roll Tide Roll!</p>