<p>Who else has applied to NASA Internships for this summer through OSSI? </p>
<p>The website says that offers for Summer started going out February 2, has anyone heard back? Or are most offers going to go out after the deadline of March 15?</p>
<p>I have also applied for the summer internships through OSSI. From what I can tell, you wouldn’t be able to apply for an internship unless it was still available. The website also tells you once the internship is filled. Everyone I have applied for still says “not filled.” I’ve read that they usually don’t start making offers until after the deadline on march 15th. Just out of curiosity, what school level are you?</p>
<p>I have applied to a few. 8 so far, actual,y planning to apply to a few more at JPL. This is my first year applying to nasa for a summer internship (I am a college freshman).</p>
<p>I hope they get results out soon! :D</p>
<p>I applied for about 10 at GSFC. From what I’ve heard, most responses are delivered after March 15th (which coincidentally, is today!) Good luck, guys. For the record, I’m a first year.</p>
<p>I also talked to a colleague who is very involved in some NASA circles and he says that it make be delayed because of the uncertainty of a lot of funding. Unfortunately this could mean it might take longer than usual, or even that less internships will be funded. Just rumors though, of course, it makes sense given the state of policy/congress right now.</p>
<p>There’s a lot of caution going on with civil servants at the moment since some are already having furloughs. Sadly this is a problem for most NASA employees, but for those of you that applied to JPL you should be a bit safer since they’re all contractors to the government and paid through Caltech. :)</p>
<p>I am a college junior, first time applying to NASA and I applied to 15 internships in Ames, JPL and Johnson, all of which still say “Not Yet Filled”. </p>
<p>NASA funding has never been secure and I can imagine that the intern program is probably closer to the bottom of important things to be funded than the top. However, I think part of NASA is the educational standpoint so the intern program is still important–so don’t lose hope! I do wonder, though, how many internships listed on the OSSI website actually are filled (due to funding, not interest).</p>
<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>I am new to these forums, and actually signed up so that I could gather input and feedback from those who have also applied for NASA 2013 summer internships.</p>
<p>Ah man, I thought applying for 7 positions was taking it a little too far but now I’m afraid that’s not enough…</p>
<p>Anyways when would offers start coming out? All of those I’ve applied for are at JPL.</p>
<p>NASA is like my dream job by the way. Good luck to everyone else who has applied too!</p>
<p>So it’s officially been a week! Anyone hear back anything? </p>
<p>I’ve had one interview (pretty technical but that’s what the position is); that’s the only thing I’ve heard so far.</p>
<p>To continue on the funding thread, I noticed that the person who interviewed me was actually a contractor to NASA, even though they technically work for NASA. Just an observation.</p>
<p>Sigh… not yet. I’m hoping they do soon because I need prepare and finalize the things I plan to (or hope to) do over the summer.</p>
<p>@woeyzoe Amazing, was this an interview you able to get through OSSI or some NASA-related portal? How do you think it will affect your chances of obtaining a position?</p>
<p>Nothing yet for me either, however I heard just today that the sequester will be taking action now and NASA stands to lose a bit of funding. Administrator Bolden said ( I think ) that all education and outreach programs will be cut. Not sure if that means OSSI Internships will be hit because it’s more than just an education/outreach program. Either way, bad news.</p>
<p>Well it’s only been a week–my interview was for an internship that I applied through OSSI. I think it shows I got their attention, but I don’t know if maybe they just interviewed everyone who applied, how many, etc. </p>
<p>And here’s the leaked memo regarding the suspension of all education and outreach programs: [NASA</a> Internal Memo: Guidance for Education and Public Outreach Activities Under Sequestration | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference](<a href=“http://spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=43632]NASA”>http://spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=43632)</p>
<p>It’s pretty scary to think that internships might be considered education outreach, which makes this thread pretty obsolete
I wonder also about the NASA Space Grant programs at different universities. Boo sequestration!</p>
<p>Indeed, this is a blow to all of us who have been waiting to hear back for NASA opportunities.</p>
<p>The effects and implications of these budget cuts towards all education and public outreach programs will be adverse, not only to us who wish to become involved in STEM opportunities associated with NASA but also those who manage them, i.e. the employees, contractors, etc.</p>
<p>What kinds of projects does anyone think are deemed ‘critical’? I’m a little worried that those I applied for will hold little to no importance towards future progress of NASA missions/objectives.</p>
<p>Can this also mean that applying through OSSI was obsolete? How many of you actually have had applied-for-opportunities that have become filled?</p>
<p>I checked my application, and it shows 2/10 positions I applied for as filled. These are for the GSFC. All it really means is that offers have gone out and been accepted, i.e. the sequester hasn’t eliminated all the opportunities (at GSFC at the very least.) Sort of good news I guess, although I wish I had one of those offers at this point.</p>
<p>Does anyone know whether any offers have been made for internships at Ames?</p>
<p>All of mine are still unfilled…it’s weird how I don’t know if this is good news or bad news :/</p>
<p>I’ve had one of my positions filled, but that was way back during Feb.</p>
<p>This wait is killing me! I seriously just want to hear of a single person getting an internship…</p>
<p>I’m not sure why NASA waits this long to let people know about summer internships. I emailed my broker-facilitator person but they gave me a pretty standard reply (offers started coming Feb 2 and you will be notified through email or OSSI website). </p>
<p>Any news? All ten of my positions (1 at Ames, 9 at JPL) are unfilled.</p>
<p>Nope, and it’s already April 1st.</p>
<p>I talked to my undergraduate research lab professor, who has contacts with NASA, and he says the programs aren’t looking to get funded so don’t expect too much.</p>
<p>Same with a graduate student who has done a fellowship at NASA. He applied through OSSI, but got his fellowship through contact and networking; specifically, he was a mentor at Cal State LA who got recommended by one of the coordinators over at the university.</p>
<p>Just wondering, who here has actually contacted the relevant NASA department to inquire about internship opportunities?</p>