National AP Scholar?

<p>This is a quote from the college board website
"National AP Scholar
Granted to students in the United States who receive an average grade of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, AND grades of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams."</p>

<p>Does that mean:</p>

<p>You will be a national AP scholar if you fulfill one of the following:
receive an average grade of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken
recieve grades of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams</p>



<p>4 average for all the exams and at least 4 or higher on 8 exams.
Say if you take 10 and get 3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5, you have a 4 average and 4 or above on at least 8 of them. So, the 3’s aren’t going to affect you as long as you can get some 5’s to average them out.</p>

<p>yeah, hence the part where it says “AND”.</p>