<p>They said around March 15. Anyone heard anything or do I assume I got rejected?</p>
<p>I thought they said April 15</p>
<p>That’s what I thought as well</p>
<p>I didn’t hear anything yet either …</p>
<p>nothin here…nor interview or anythin like that</p>
<p>does any one know about the nida internships</p>
<p>Yeah I heard back from NIH for an internship at the national cancer institute in frederick</p>
<p>are u a hs junior by any chance stanfordgurl…i heard they prefer college ppl for this internship…anyways, congrats!!</p>
<p>haha no im a sophomore…thanks tho
do you know of any other people who have gotten in?</p>
<p>u emailed them to get ur internship?</p>