National Merit Finalist Texas A&M

@gogogogobruins That’s cool! I lived in Bryan for 18 yrs. but grew up in Houston. May I ask what does your son have that those schools recruited him? I’ve always wondered why kids were recruited. A&M recruited my D b/c she was a potential NMF and is a NMF. She’s applied to Rice but has not been recruited by Rice. These kids are all so bright I’ve wondered what makes one stand out above others. If your son is a NMF A&M has $ and makes his tuition in-state.

@Momtaro our S didn’t do so well on PSAT, so he isn’t a NMF, but as soon as he got a 36 on ACT, all kinds of people started contacting him. A&M want one of them. :frowning:

@Momtaro is that from Momotaro ?

@gogogogobruins A 36 on his ACT!! Wow! That calls for serious congratulations! Same here on the PSAT. S didn’t do terribly bad, but didn’t qualify for NMF for sure. 35 on ACT and still holding our breath about scholarships. (sorry for thread interruption but had to congratulate!

@gogogogobruins Ok. A 36. WOW! So it really is different things draw schools to you. Momtaro is from Hamtaro! LOL!!! My oldest was really into Hamtaro and I needed a screen name way back and it’s just stuck. LOL!

Thanks y’all! Hamtaro! Lol! Taro is a common Japanese name sorta like John. Though there aren’t many Taros today bc it’s gotten too common.

@rvhappynow is your son signing up for the Corps? Sorry I couldn’t remember.

@gogogogobruins He’s not signing up for the Corps. It’s so hard to explain, but it’s just not in his comfort zone. He’s responsible and traditional. He lives his life full of honor, hard work, tenacity, integrity, leadership, etc., and from what I see, his ideals and personal values would fall right in line with that of the Corps, but it’s not something he’s comfortable pursuing. Still, he has great admiration for those who are doing it! I even love reading the Corps threads here. So fascinating and full of tradition!

@rvhappynow I totally understand! I’ve written somewhere before but my husband was in the Corps and commissioned Army. His dad was a career army officer and that goes back every generation to the revolutionary war (actually French Indian war before that!) including confederate soldiers! And our son wants to study military history so A&M and the Corps was the only option for him. Lol.

My son just received a notice that he got a corporate NM scholarship. This won’t affect the NMF scholarships that tamu has already put in his account, will it? I would think they would stack but don’t really know.

@rosegeo and @Momtaro , My daughter is in similar situation to both of your kids. Expecting to accept the Brown Scholarship and attend A&M but just waiting for the Rice decision to come out first… We are actually visiting A&M tomorrow. We have the same questions about Engineering Honors. She knows multiple kids in Engineering at A&M but none of them are in Engineering Honors. She doesn’t know them well but they just said they didn’t think it was worth it, etc. Certainly all kids are different so we are going to be trying to get a better understanding of the program tomorrow. If you have any information or better questions that we should ask tomorrow, I’d be very appreciative and then I can share back after our visit.

@HoustonTXmom Hi! There is certainly comfort in numbers! I’ve been stressing that Mr. Brown is going to send her an email saying he needs a decision now. I read somewhere that Rice announces on April 1st. We are doing our tour of A&M on Thursday. My daughter was accepted by RPI, which I had never heard of until they sent her emails, but they left 16k of unmet need. She knows there is no way we can do that and even if we could, we’d be crazy to do it with what she’s being offered from A&M and Brown. I may be wrong but even with a great interview, etc…, I just think we would have heard from Rice if they were going to offer her a full ride. She’s also waiting on other private schools. I asked her last night if she had decided which were her top three and she said no. It’s driving me crazy. Anyway, about Honors. My D couldn’t make it to an interview with Brown, so she did a phone interview with the very 1st. Brown scholar who is a pediatrician. She told my D that she took Honors classes but wasn’t in the ‘program’, and that it wasn’t necessary to be in the ‘program’. My husband thinks it’d be a good thing to be in the program, but I’m leaning more towards no, IF she can take Honors classes that she’s interested in. That’s really my only question and how would you go about signing up for the individual Honors courses. With maintaing a 3.5 and 15 hr. requirements I just think she doesn’t need any more pressure to do extra things. Again, my husband thinks she’ll do fine. Well all our kids are phenomenal or they wouldn’t be where they are at. There’s just too much pressure on her now at the end of this year with AP and IB testing, teachers putting pressure on them and all the changes ahead, I’d like to give her a break. If you attended the ‘we want your brain’ overnighter, that Honors guy went on and on, and he is clearly passionate about the ‘program’. I’m really hoping my D hears something from someone on Thursday that convinces her that A&M is the place to be. Good luck to you and your D. I’d love to hear what you find out tomorrow.

"My son just received a notice that he got a corporate NM scholarship. This won’t affect the NMF scholarships that tamu has already put in his account, will it? I would think they would stack but don’t really know. "

@rosegeo- yes it WILL!!

your son can ONLY have 1 NM sponsored scholarship- EITHER from tamu OR from the corporate sponsor.
he should choose which one gives him the most $$.

@Momtaro @HoustonTXmom We visited A&M at the end of Feb and met with someone from the university honors program. He was very nice and talked with us for about 45 minutes. We asked about how hard it would be for him to get in and he said they hold spots for the NM kids so it wouldn’t be a problem. Last week he went to apply and the application was closed so he emailed him and he said it closed on March 1st and he couldn’t apply. My son wasn’t sold on it so it really isn’t a big deal but wouldn’t it seem that would have been a good tidbit of info for him to tell us during the 45 minutes he tried to convince him to apply? My son did apply for engineering honors a while back mostly to get the smaller class sizes and earlier registration.

@rosegeo Didn’t tell you there was a deadline. I’d be upset. Your son got in to engr. honors didn’t he? We are going to visit with Honors too on Thursday. First real stop is Financial Aid. We need the bottom line cost with Brown included. We’ve seen everything from zero dollar cost to D taking out 5500 in loans and asking us for 4000. That’s b/c they don’t have Brown $ in there. So frustrating.

@Momtaro Yes, he got into engineering honors. I would be really upset about the university honors if he was really sold on it. I think he liked the idea of living in the honors dorms and that was part of what made him decide to apply but he will figure something else out.

@rosegeo Isn’t part of Brown money that you are required to live in the honors dorm, or is that different for engineering?

@Momtaro his contact from the Brown Foundation knew he hadn’t applied to engineering honors in february and didn’t indicate that he needed to. Hopefully he doesn’t need to live in the honors dorm since he can’t get into university honors.

@Momtaro Is that written down somewhere? I guess we need to make sure if this is going to be a problem.

Let me look.

I know I’ve seen it other places, but if you wouldn’t mind giving me your email address I’ll forward an email my D rec’d that says they want her to stay in the Honors dorm. Or you can just call Kati Clark in the morning. Just because it’s called the Honors dorm doesn’t mean they have to be in the Honors program. They just call it that. Brown wants all these kids living with each other so they can help each other. Some of the kids we heard talk about Brown scholarships the very first time we attended a NM mtg., called it the Brown house, I think their own nickname.