<p>How close does your SAT score have to be?</p>
<p>I have a 236 psat, 216 sophmore psat
and 2240 SAT</p>
<p>is that enough to "confirm" my PSAT score to be NM finalist?</p>
<p>How close does your SAT score have to be?</p>
<p>I have a 236 psat, 216 sophmore psat
and 2240 SAT</p>
<p>is that enough to "confirm" my PSAT score to be NM finalist?</p>
<p>Basically, if you got over a 2100 on the SAT you'll be fine.</p>
<p>The 236 is stellar, so no problem there for sure!</p>
<p>The 2240 is a really superb SAT score, and I am guessing that this is 200 points above any cut-off, if such a cut-off exists (but I think that no one outside of National Merit knows for sure).</p>
<p>The only risks you would seem to have would be unexpectedly low GPA or some other issue (like being arrested or expelled), and I assume these are negligable. So you should be in really good shape for NM.</p>
<p>That's my guess.</p>
<p>alright thanks</p>
<p>any more input from anyone?</p>
<p>i heard if there's too big a disparity between your SAT scores and your PSAT scores then it won't move you onto future rounds.</p>
<p>idk if that applys to yo thtas a 12(0) point drop. i don't think you should really worry about it tho. that SAT score is fine</p>
<p>Lint, you are fine with your excellent SAT score.</p>
<p>Yeah, especially since the cutoffs for semifinalist are rather lower in several states (in the 20somethings) and obviously many of those students with corresponding SAT scores advance to finalist as well.</p>
<p>haha i have the same question except with a legit concern.</p>
<p>222 psat (texas cutoff was 215)</p>
<p>and my first sat was a nightmare 1850.... so i retook today hoping for 2100 to be safe.</p>
<p>Thanks alot guys!</p>
<p>Similar question, same essentially as rssll5: If we qualified for semi finalist with our PSAT, and then did not as great on the SAT, but then retook it and did better would be be able to qualify? Or does it have to be the first SAT you take (as in I got 224 PSAT, then 2040 SAT, and am retaking, hopefully will be higher).</p>
<p>its based on the one you send to national merit corporation..
so just send your best score... and 2040 really ins't bad...</p>
<p>i remember hearing last year that the cut-off was a 2000,since around a 201 tends to be the semi-finalist mark in the lowest states, and its unfair jack up the required SAT score to a 2100. i have no idea where i heard that though...</p>
<p>hmm. thats interesting and makes sense..</p>
<p>a 2000 really isn't too hard to reach either..</p>
<p>i got 1850 first time with no prep and i was like falling asleep..</p>
<p>on yesterdays test i felt soo much better and so far i only know of two questions i've missed...</p>
<p>so an improvement..</p>
<p>oh yea,</p>
<p>the SAT thing is just to get to finalist right?
or do they check for semi too</p>