Native Americanism

<p>Does anyone have information on Brown’s thoughts about Native Americans? Anything would be helpful. Thanks a bunch.</p>

<p>I guess it's something along the lines of everyone else's... The more, the merrier.</p>

<p>"Brown's thoughts about Native Americans"?? They just can't stand them =P</p>

<p>we have i think less than 1% native american. you are in one urm group in which you have a huge leg up.</p>

<p>i had native american friend last year. i would always offer him blankets</p>

<p>that's only acceptable if they carried small pox</p>

<p>ClaySoul, you're terrible haha.</p>

<p>i try, i try</p>

<p>certainly apply if you are one, if you want. they have some classes on Native American studies, but I wish there were more and that they had more representation in general.</p>

<p>that was the joke i was going for...</p>

<p>yeah i know :D</p>

<p>Don't go to Brown, come to Cornell. We have a very strong American Indian Program and a lot of classes. I am a Native Student and we have a decent number of people on campus. We're pretty awesome and we do a lot of stuff through out the year. </p>

<p>^and that stuff about the blankets is not funny at all.</p>

<p>haha. That Southpark episode was on tonight.</p>

<p>not funny? well he thought it was. seeing how neither of us are in no way an active part of a long gone period of time and I obviously (being his friend) harbor no hatred for Natives I'm gonna disagree with your stance on that one. i guess i'm not pc enough for you. o well. fwiw I for a large part of my life believed I was a good part Native until some genealogy proved otherwise. </p>

<p>but maybe i shouldn't give my Anatolian friend those large wooden horses anymore, eh?</p>

<p>Being Native American helps a LOT more if you're coming from a reservation than if you're not</p>