<p>Has anyone taken this deepwater cruising class? With Ron Remsburg. How is it? I heard the final is 100% of the grade and the class should be taken P/NP since your grade is all based on one test. Wondering if anyone else took this class and can give me some insight. Also, I heard there are only 5 lectures? Is this true? Because I'm taking it on Monday nights and there is a concert I really want to go to at the end of October on a Monday night, and tickets go on sale tomorrow...!</p>
<p>SO MUCH FUN. I definitely reccomend it, but I would strongly recommend auditing it. Also, take it with friends. If you audit it, you can literally go to only the class that involved signing up for the trip, and then besides that, do nothing but go to your actual sailing trip weekend if you so choose.</p>