Hi! I was recently stressing over my NBC internship applications and wanted to see if there was a college confidential thread about any updates. When I couldn’t find one, I though I would make my own 
If you applied for the fall 2020 remote NBC internships, join this discussion! I would love to know if anyone has received an interview offer yet!
Hi! Thanks for asking, I’m freaking out too. But I feel like now that it has been more than a week since they closed applications and 16 days since they opened them, it may be beyond our control. It’s a weird time even for companies that are hiring so maybe our applications are just in the backlog. Especially for Fallon, I know that he’s probably dealing with readjusting to the studio. Maybe Seth Myers is about to as well and that’s what the hold up is for.
Regardless, my point is that we’ve done all that we can in applying. If we don’t get it this time, at least we know that we can have another run at it in the Spring. I applaud your initiative and can tell that you’re probably the right person for this kind of job so keep your head up and keep working because there’s something out there for us all.
As for now, just keep doing what you’re doing. You got this Internlover.
Hi! I actually applied for like 6 or 7 of the internships since it is my dream to work at NBC. Currently, I’m under review for two internships (one two weeks ago and the second this week). I was rejected for one of the internships I believe a day or two after I applied. I’m wondering if being in under review, especially for almost three weeks, means something. My current internship got extended to the fall, so I’m hoping I can get an interview before my fall semesters start. I was wondering what is everyone’s progress as well.
Hey! Thanks so much for replying! I applied to about 10 lol and a few say under review and I was also rejected from one almost immediately. Since there hasn’t been any movement in the past week or so, I just assumed they moved forward with other people ://
Best of luck with everything though and I hope we get responses before the school year starts!
Hey guys! I am currently interning for NBCUniversal right now as a summer remote intern. I also applied again to intern for them this Fall. I have already been contacted by hiring managers for three different positions. All I can say is that you have to play the waiting game (especially for the more competitive positions like Fallon & MSNBC)! You have to wait for a recruiter from each division to contact you individually for an interview.
Thank you so much! Congrats and best of luck with everything!!
I applied to 4 and 1 is currently under review just this week. Based on my research online it seems that interviews begin in early august… been so anxious can’t stop checking my statuses!!
Hi guys I’ll give you a update on my applications. I was rejected by two more positions back-to-back these last two days (Entertainment & Lifestyle Business and NBC Entertainment Internships), which I felt most qualified for. I’m under review for one position still , and two are still just in applied. Two of the three are more production based, which isn’t my area of focus. I feel a little defeated since I was also rejected for the Summer Olympics Internship (pre-covid). I aspire to become a Page which is more competitive then this internship process, so my moral isn’t to high. I’ll be ecstatic if I can somehow make it this semester, but I can always look forward to next semester. I still have some hope and everyone who has or hasn’t made progress should too.
@itsandrew the same has happened to me. Yesterday received a rejection email from nbc entertainment and this morning a rejection email from entertainment & lifestyle business. The rest are just on applied, I feel like interviews are already going to happen like next week. Well I guess the search for an internship for the fall continues…
Same with the rejection a day after. Good luck to everybody else though!
The internship process for this semester seems more intense than previous semesters in my opinion. Good luck to everyone!
Hi! I also applied to some internships at NBC for the fall and was wondering if anyone has interviewed yet?