NC Transfer student trying to get into communications major at NC State

live in NC
High school from harnett county living on the coast now

Intended major
Communications media

2.8 hopefully a 3.0 after my last semester at community college
Will have my associate’s in Arts degree.

College coursework

First semester

ENG-011-110 Writing and Inquiry Support
ENG-111-118 Writing and Inquiry
HIS-132-114 American History II

Second semester
BIO-111-103 General Biology I
CHM-151-102 General Chemistry I
ENG-112-103B Writing/Research in the Disc
REL-110-100 World Religions

Third Semester
ECO-252-111 Prin of Macroeconomics
HUM-110-100A Technology and Society
MAT-003-100 Transition Math
PED-110-101 Fit and Well for Life
PSY-150-119L General Psychology

Fourth semester
ACC-120-101W Prin of Financial Accounting
BUS-125-100 Personal Finance
COM-120-100W Intro Interpersonal Com
CSC-151-100 JAVA Programming
CTI-110-101 Web, Pgm, & Db Foundation

Current Semester
BUS-110-100 Introduction to Business
HUM-115-102 Critical Thinking
MAT-143-103B Quantitative Literacy
PHI-215-100 Philosophical Issues
SOC-230-100M Race and Ethnic Relations

in total it will be 71 credits

Full-time job 40 hours a week
Meals on wheels on Monday
Volunteer work at a local food bank once a month

Cost constraints
I come from a lower-class family and I receive a federal pell grant.

I know my GPA is low but I am wondering what you guys think I meet all other recommendations on the transfer website for CHASS

Have you talked to your CC advisor? I am also in NC and one of my kids did CC too. Is there a C3 program at your CC that allows entry into State? The students I’ve known who did that had no problem transferring in, not sure about transferring in if not in the program, but your CC advisor should know. I think your chances are not good if you don’t have a 3.0 or higher. 3.0 is the bottom cutoff I believe.

ECU or App State or UNC-C or UNC-G might be good backups.

Check out the info here about transferring from NC Community Colleges to UNC system schools:

sadly I have passed the credit limit for that program. I will have 71 credits by the end of this semester and I actually just got an email from the admissions office saying that it is not a requirement to have a 3.0 to get into my major. either way, I will have a 3.0 before I attend NC State. Thank you for your advice I was already admitted to ECU!


also as well I was on the NC State sub reddit and a few people had gotten into chass with around my GPA I guess there are a lot of factors then just GPA they are looking for

Sounds like you have good options with ECU as a backup. Best of luck!

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