NCP Waiver/etc. Do I qualify?

Hello, just have a few questions mainly about CSS Profile. I believe I qualify to have an NCP waiver accepted but I wanted to confirm.

I live with my mother who has always filed taxes as head of household. My father has lived in the US illegally after being deported from jail time once. He has never filed taxes in the US (AFAIK) or supported me. The last time I saw or spoke to him must have been a year ago. I currently don’t know his location or how to contact him (neither does my family). I do know there’s a warrant for his arrest (Marshals visited our house) but I don’t have any documentation of this. What’s the best way to explain this situation?

Secondly, how is this waiver submitted? Is it submitted through each college’s admissions portal? And on the CSS profile, should I list his name as “Parent 2” or not put him on my application since he won’t be submitting anything.

Lastly, does foster care assistance payment count as any type of income on CSS Profile? I have two foster siblings who receive support. I know it doesn’t count on FAFSA.

Thanks everyone.

You will me requesting a non-custodial waiver form the Profile, so NO do not list him as parent two. I believe that’s for parents who aren’t separated. Yours are.

You will need to request the Profile non-custodial parent waiver from each of your colleges. Contact them ASAP…and find out what you need to do.