<p>I have no contact with my non custodial parent.
My custodial parent, mom is married too.
So im in a complicated situation.
Thinking of applying to U of Alabama, Amherst, Colgate, Berea and Skidmore.
But as far as i know they require NCP documentation when a international student like me applies for financial aid. </p>
<p>Will i get a waiver for this NCP if i contact and tell them about it?
And what about my step dad? Do i need to input his info ?
Last question, is the CSS profile submitted along with the Common App or separately?</p>
<p>Thankyou everyone. :)</p>
<p>Look at each college website to see when they want the CSS profile to be submitted.</p>
<p>Yes your step father’s income and assets are to be combined with your mother’s as that is your family income/assets that colleges consider. This is not an unusual or complicated situation and is common.</p>
<p>I don’t know how the colleges will handle the non custodial waiver for internationals or if it is any different than for domestic students. Just because you don’t have any contact isn’t a reason not to ask for him to fill out the paperwork. It is going to come down to how long this has been, if there is documentation to the effect, credible third party statements…You are probably going to have to apply and see.</p>
<p>You dont get it do you ?
How can i ASK him for ANYTHING if i have no means to contact him ? @BrownParent</p>
<p>Jam…does your MOM even know where your dad is? If so, his info will be required. No question, you mom’s spouse’s info WILL be required.</p>
<p>You will need to check each college you are interested in. Some do not require the NCP info. </p>
<p>You would need to contact each school regarding NCP Profile waivers. The schools make this decision.</p>
<p>The Profile is a separate application form from the common application. You submit the Profile to the college board and indicate which colleges you want it to be sent to. And you pay for submission to each school.</p>
<p>Alabama does NOT require your dad’s info. alabama doesn’t take CSS.</p>
<p>If you’re applying for the Alabama scholarship, you just fill out the scholarship app (which you have to do VERY soon…deadline approaching. </p>
<p>When you say that you have “no contact”…when is the last time you had contact? Did your dad pay child support? Does anyone (his relatives) know where he is?</p>
<p>If you’ve had no contact at all (no money, no calls, etc) for several years, then you have to apply for a waiver.</p>
<p>Your stepdad’s info will be req’d on FA apps (but not on Alabama’s scholarship app…no financial info is on that scholarship app).</p>
<p>Mom2…what financial aid application will an international student need to do for Alabama? Can’t do FAFSA.</p>
Right…no FA app…but it sounds like he’s applying for the scholarship and int’ls CAN submit the scholarship app.</p>
<p>There isn’t a FA app for int’ls, but there is a scholarship app. Sometimes students use the word FA to apply to merit and need-based.</p>
<p>That’s not what I meant. Does Alabama give need based aid to international students? If so, what forms do they complete to have their need reviewed?</p>
<p>I don’t know what the financial aid info requirements are for international students. Some schools require a CCS Profile for them even if they do not use the form for their US students. OThers have their own apps. It is possible–again, i don’t know, that international student may be asked for NCP info even when US ones are not.</p>
<p>OP, you have to state what you have in this thread about our NCP and ask each school that wants the info how they want that handled. Typically for US students a waiver is required and that needs to be filled out by a school official or minister, someone outside of family and in some official position that would be aware of which parents are absent, stating that neither hide nor hair of parent has been seen, and that not penny one has been given to their knowledge.</p>
<p>You know, when asking for advice it’s generally a good idea to be polite and gracious, not rude and snarky–especially to adults who are trying to help. Saying you don’t have contact with your father doesn’t lead anyone to conclude that you COULDN’T if you wanted to. How are we supposed to know that you have no way to reach him at all?</p>
Hire a private investigator.</p>
<p>OP, there are many, many who have NCPs. Having had NO contact is better than having contact and he refuses to give info, has money, won’t pay. In fact, for financial aid purposes, such a parent NC or not, even in intact families can mean zero in financial aid. So, yes, we get it. The school needs to have evidence that what you are saying is true, because it’s more convenient to have a totally absent NCP than an uncooperative one. It can also be more difficult to check up on some international sutdent regarding this, than for US students. People do cheat and lie about these things, you know. The colleges are well aware of this.</p>
<p>I told you what you should do–each school’s policy can vary,so you need to ask them what they need, if anything, and provide it to them exactly as they say they want it. Otherwise your app can be flushed.</p>
<p>Thankyou very much Thumper and Mom2.
Thanks for the instructions, i will ask the colleges when i apply
<p>Ask the colleges before you apply. You want this info so that you KNOW what is what.</p>