NE Elite

<p>Anyone have any insight, video or idea from last year in terms of what to expect at the NE Elite Football Camp next week? Any past attendee comments good/bad are appreciated. Advice on maximizing experience?</p>

<p>Hydrate, beginning the night before camp, and again upon waking in the a.m. Bring a small cooler with drinks and whatever nourishment you will need to recharge. The turf gets really HOT there, and it will be BRUTAL if the dew point gets above 60 (humidity). There’s also not a lot of shade to be found. Encourage your parent/guardian to bring a big golf umbrella for sun protection, if they will be on-site during the day.</p>

<p>If you are a two-way player, you can either split your time between drills, or stick with the position that will give you the best upside/exposure - where most coaches have indicated they foresee you ftting onto their rosters. </p>

<p>When it comes time for the competitions at the end of camp, I believe you will need to pick either the skills side (7 on 7’s) or the linemen side (1 on 1’s)… because they happen concurrently (or they did when my kid was there).</p>

<p>Take advantage of downtime between sessions to speak to coaches on your radar, and with whom, you have had prior encouraging exchanges. If you have not sent out game film prior to camp and have not had dialog with coaches, it may be tough to get their attention. On the flip side, if you’re a top recruit, you may have coaches waiting in line to speak with you. ;)</p>

<p>Good luck~</p>

<p>Thanks for the post - really helps - we are travelling from the west coast and have never been there. Many coaches have made personal contact after film so we are there to see what they think in person. </p>

<p>I am more of a defensive player - what kind of specific drills do they run in terms of evaqluation. A lot of bags/cones/etc? 7s make sense but not sure how they review run defense with half racks. Especially without a line read unless they have something to simulate that. </p>

<p>Thanks for taking the time to write - really helps - one shot at this. I was tryiong to find some video, but really limited. It will be fun, we plan to amke it a semi-vacation too as we don’t want the process to be stressful - just play hard, right!</p>

<p>Thank you again</p>

<p>There should be nothing there you haven’t seen or done before. Don’t overthink it. </p>

<p>They group kids for the 7’s based on school, state or geographic region. A lot of local teams send entire squads. Rogue preps and other privates get bunched together, etc. You’ll probably be on a team with other left coasters.</p>

<p>Have fun…but seize opportunities to demonstrate your speed, strength and agility - and to showcase what you do best.</p>

<p>A few tips based on my son’s experience last year:

  1. wear a performance fiber shirt, not cotton. With the heat, you don’t want wet, heavy cotton sticking to your skin.
  2. wear a bright colored shirt–I think red is best. There will be 649 other boys there. If one coach wants to point you out, or remember you from drill to drill, it’s better that you not be one of the 70% who are wearing a white tshirt
  3. if your parents are going to be there, have them bring a large (like 32 oz.) Gatorade to the drill breakouts. At water break time, 50 players crowd around the provided water and it’s tough to get enough because so many guys are waiting behind you that you don’t want to be a pig about it. Plus, after a series of tough drills, the last thing you want to do is wait around in a hot sweaty crowd in the brutal sun to get some water. Have your parent refill the bottle so you’re ready for the next break.</p>

<p>Great advice, re: the brightly colored Under Armour.</p>

<p>Good to know - we walk off the plane to the field so it should be a brutal first day, but fun. Thanks again y’all</p>

<p>This is such a helpful reply. Thank you so much.</p>