Necessary measurement units for Math section?

<p>I was doing some Gruber's math questions and got totally blocked before a question that deals with a lot of US measurement units (i.e. dime/nickle; pint/quart; ' (what is that?)/yard...).</p>

<p>I already know about some popular ones like:
1 foot = 12 inches
1 mile = 5028 inches
1$ = 100 cent
1 mile ~ 1,6 km</p>

<p>Is it necessary to learn more? Anyone who finished the BB please tell me are there many of this kind of questions? </p>

<p>Maybe knowing about dime and nickle can help me in the future if I go to the US anyway ;)</p>

<p>Well, one mile is 5280 feet, not inches. Might want to learn currency (penny/nickel/dime/quarter), volume (cup/pint/quart/gallon), weight (ounces/pounds). Also the ’ means feet, while " means inches.</p>

<p>penny = 1 cent
nickel = 5 cents
dime = 10 cents
quarter = 25 cents
dollar = 100 cents</p>