Need admissions help!!

<p>I am starting to feel to the futility that people feel on CC with a community of over-achievers and sugar-coaters. I really don't know how I can come across as different because many hundreds of applicants will have equal or more stats than myself.
What can I do to make myself stand out?</p>

A-Algebra 1

Probably same grades or better.</p>

<p>Ecs and other stuff
Robotics/Computer Club
I am a peer leader
Volunteer regularly
Soup Kitchen
Local Events
Religious Site
Forensics Club
Brain Bowl-1st in state last year and 20th national
Maybe Yearbook Club
Top 10% of science fair projects both years I was in it and won a special award from two pyschologists for one.
If things go to plan, I will be able to initiate a project to raise money for my city food pantry.
I will also try to start a Mathcounts or AMC8 team.</p>

On practice i got 2340 overall (99th)
800 Math
770 Reading
770 Verbal</p>

I play golf (4 years)and I'm pretty good at that and I want to pursue that in BS if i get in
Soccer- 6 years (rec), I'm ok at it, not anything special but our team came 1st place in the league three times.
Basketball- 3 years (rec) basically same as soccer</p>

<p>Oh woops, I forgot that I’m applying to:

<p>Can you give me some input on what I can do to increase my chances of being accepted :)).</p>

<li><p>Check if any of these schools have a golf team then get in contact with their coaches.</p></li>
<li><p>Have a good interview and write good essays. Try to stay in contact with an interviewer if you feel they liked you, without being a burden of course.</p></li>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I am going to 8th grade and have about the same stats as you. You should check out the admissions help thread. It helped me, but in the end what you said about standing out its up to the admissions office. Your brain bowl stat could probably be considered a hook.</p>

<p>Why aren’t you applying at Hotchkiss? They have a gorgeous golf course.</p>

<p>Get the help of a good counselor to walk you through the process if it’s affordable for your family.</p>

<p>To mpicz:
I am considering contacting golf coaches, and I’m a solid writer so I should be able to make pretty decent essays and I will most likely do well on the interview</p>

<p>To UrbanFlop:
Nice, what schools are you applying to?
And thanks for the tip.</p>

<p>To PhotoOp:
My parents and I are considering Hotchkiss, but we are vacillating on whether or not to apply to a fifth school.</p>

<p>To Hmom5:
Are you sure counselors are worth it?
I don’t want my parents to waste extra money</p>

<p>I am applying for Andover and Exeter.</p>

<p>Nice, nice.
Are you applying for 2010 9th grade boarder or sophomore?
I’m going to apply as a 9th grade boarder is 2010.
Did you schedule your interview yet?
If so can you can tell me how it was like and what kinds of questions the interview asked.
Also, you know how your supposed to ask 3 “qualitive” questions… Well can you give me some sample questions to ask to sound insightful and contemplative.</p>

<p>My 3 kids all used one for their competitive day schools–I’m a believer, especially for a family who has not been through the application process. The cost is relatively little when looking at what your overall high school expenditure will be if you’re full pay at any of these schools. what they teach you could make the difference between a great school and a not so great one…</p>

<p>I’ll hopefully be receiving 40+% of FA, and my dad and I meticulously and painstakingly studied the admissions system for like 20 hours so I guess a counselor would be superfluous</p>

<p>Oh and Hmom can you give some good questions to ask the interviewer, or some guidelines to follow?</p>

<p>I am applying as a 9th grade boarder in 2010. I haven’t scheduled an interveiw but I do know that some of the questions include your hobbies and your favorite subject(s).</p>

<p>and sometimes they are out of left field like who would you like to have dinner if you had a choice of any person dead or alive, or boring ones such as how do you see yourself</p>

<p>Urbanflop, I hope both of us get in :slight_smile: Maybe we’ll see each other at Exeter, if we get in of course. And thanks for the information about the interviews.
What are your stats Urbanflop?</p>

<p>During my interview, my interviewer asked some basic questions like:
“What do you do during your free time?” , “Why do you want to go to a boarding school?” , “Why did you choose to apply to this school?”</p>

<p>After 2 or 3 interviews, you’ll find that the schools ask very similar questions.</p>

<p>And oh, during one of my interviews, when my interviewer asked if I have any questions, I couldn’t think of any, so I just said that I did a lot of researching about the school and that all my questions have been answered (which is true).</p>

<p>Hope it helps! :)</p>

<p>Thanks, and aren’t you currently going to exeter?
If so, can you give me some info on the competition, campus and other milieu at Exeter or other schools.</p>

<p>I had my interview at Exeter and it went okay…you fill out a sheet about the courses and extra-circular…they ask about how did you hear about us, why do you want to go here, how do you feel about boarding, how did your other teachers teach, and about EC</p>

<p>Thanks Express.</p>

<p>I also have another question; the other day my dad and I were talking and my dad said that the only reason that Andover and such schools had a 93rd percentile average for ssat was that the opulent alumni who scored ok but not 99th brought it down to the 93rd.
Is that true?</p>
