Need Advice

NYU gaps = NYU doesn’t meet full need, yes. NYU gapping a student is the result of NYU not meeting need.

There may be a nuance, such as: systematically provides less financial aid than is needed v. meets need for some but not all, or mixes need and merit, etc. In addition, when used as a verb, one is the cause and the other the consequence (doesn’t need full need: cause/consequence: gaps). “meet need” can be used as an adjective ~ “a meet need college”.
For all intents and purpose, it’s the same thing.
:smiley: anthracite meet dark grey :smiley:

(There’s also “admit-deny”: a student they like but consider “too expensive”, so the student is admitted academically but denied financially, then if that student gets into tons of debt to attend, it’s not their problem; “admit-deny” is also a “nice deny”, ie., they let the student know s/he is good enough to attend but by providing insufficient aid effectively deny them without having to say so.)

So if OP can be full pay, it’ll help them at NYU; if OP isn’t full pay, NYU may admit them but is likely to gap them.

I actually assumed that the number of universities I applied to would be enough to guarantee at least one acceptance. I know it was stupid but I truly had no clue about the admission process .Looking back now, I would have done so much differently.

yeah…guess I’ll have to wait and see

If there are schools on this thread that appeal to you, you should NOT wait to apply.

The NACAC list might have something for you when it comes out late in the week of May 3, but it’s still better to have an option by May 1…then change if something better comes available later.


I agree with @Mwfan1921. The NACAC list should be the option of last resort. I just added the link as an option but don’t want you to think it’s the best option. You should be on the phone talking to admission counselors to see if you can still apply or get on a waitlist.

Maybe I missed it but is this scholarship good anywhere or just a specific school? Do you need to use it this year or could you defer it for another year?

When I said I’ll wait and see, I meant with respect to NACAC list. I’ve already begun applying to ASU, Penn state and Uni of Pittsburgh. For some reason the UAB application is not opening on my Common App page.
I know I’ve already wasted too much time, I’m not going to repeat my mistake :no_mouth:


The scholarship is awarded to students who did very well in their senior year. It can be used for any form of education after high school. However, there is a time limit and since I’m a gap year student, this is he last year I can use the scholarship. It’s been granted by the state, so this year is legit my last chance to study abroad.

The NACAC list will have about 20 really good schools that, for some odd reason, didn’t fill its seats. Then it’ll have about 20-25 really good schools that usually don’t fill their seats because they have an external factor that makes them less desirable for current students (usually because they’re rural or in/near a more dangerous area; in your case, your parents would likely be Ok with “rural” but not with “potentially dangerous area”.)
These two groups are those you want to target early on.
Finally, you have about 100 schools that just want to fill seats, they’re not very selective and will admit most students. They may not follow the May 1 deadline in the first place and admit students till July 1 or even August.

You can apply to UAB using the school’s own application.

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Did you consider Canadian universities?

What’s your intended major? If it’s CS maybe consider other majors like Information Systems. If it’s business maybe consider Economics. This could widen your opportunities.

Crime happens anywhere and everywhere in the world. If you look at US violent crime stats you’re still safer today than 30 years ago. You just have to be aware of your surroundings.

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Did you think about applying to Canadian or British universities?

Why does it have to be US Universities?

As a neuroscience major, you may yet be stuck again. “Everyone” wants to be a physician or scientist, so some of those majors may be full or impacted at your new target US universities. You need to have options which include other countries’ universities.

I’ll check that out…thanks

when you say early on…how early? The list isn’t even released yet,right? So I mostly won’t be able to do anything about it till May.

I am thinking about a few universities in UK who still have their admissions open. I thought I’ll look into it this weekend, since most of my decisions will come out then.

ASU has Barrett’s honors college, and gives great merit scholarships. Even if the deadline for the honors college has passed, they still might take you into it, or you can apply after your first semester.

Did you already win a FULL merit scholarship, for as much as 80K/yr plus transportation costs, that you can take anywhere? I would assume that if you had told the schools this, they would have been more inclined to accept you. If you haven’t told the schools, I would suggest that you notify the ones you were wait listed by, or not yet rejected by, ASAP, as an addition to your application. That’s a big honor, to have won such a scholarship.

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I mean “within a week of the list being released”, because although most colleges remain on the list for weeks, scholarships disappear fast and the most selective colleges fill their seats quickly too.

Look at this thread from 2019 (I didn’t look for 2020 because Covid so affected the admissions/enrollment cycle), regarding the NACAC list. It’s certainly interesting. There are a LOT of low-level, non-selective schools on it, a few of which have since closed. But there are other schools which have decent honors colleges, such as ASU, or are good academically but religiously conservative (Baylor).

There are always “surprises”, that is, colleges that you wouldn’t expect but suffered from sudden fancies toward competitors or “new”/“old” majors or a newly-found antipathy for whatever locale they’re in.
There are also not-very-selective colleges that take apps till July, colleges in rural areas that tend to have more trouble attracting students even if their academic offerings are strong, and very large universities that are, like, “ey we can take a few hundreds more” :p.

I looked at the list last year. My son did too. Just out of curiosity mostly but also just to see if there was anything worth considering. I wish I remembered specifics but there were A LOT of good schools on that list. Colleges of all types. We were both surprised. I’m assuming Covid had a lot to do with it but regardless it’s worth considering, especially if you keep an open mind about location or size. You really need to look at each major individually. Some schools punch above their weight in some majors.

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