Need advise as to sending ACT/SAT/FAFSA/PROFILE ahead... YES/NO

<p>D is going to apply "early action" to several schools this fall. Is it okay to have her SAT and ACT scores fowarded PRIOR TO her application? The actual applications will not be sent until Oct. or early Nov. As these colleges don't know my D from Adam where will all this information I'm fowarding go? Will a file be created upon reciept of this info? Also what about the FAFSA and PROFILE? I would like to send these too. I guess many private colleges use the PROFILE. Is it smart to send this stuff ahead now. I realize the FAFSA and PROFILE will have to be estimated untill we get our 2007 tax returns. Is that still okay? I don't want to be behind the power curve with this stuff.</p>

<p>I don't understand how colleges do this.</p>

<p>It is perfectly OK to send test scores in advance of the application. Both of my kids did this, and there was no problem with it at all. The colleges seem to know how to handle that situation.</p>

<p>I do not know about the financial aid information, though. I thought you couldn't submit FAFSA until January 1 of the year of enrollment anyhow.</p>

<p>Office procedures vary by college, but sending test scores in advance of the application should not be a problem; it is quite common. </p>

<p>Check the schools' websites or contact the financial aid departments to find out the deadlines for financial aid filings for EA candidates. Some colleges will give financial aid awards with the EA acceptances, some will send them at the same time as the RD acceptances. Please note that while you can make changes to the FAFSA online, you cannot do so for the Profile (unless they get that fixed this year). To submit changes on the Profile, you have to print it out and manually make the changes on the paper, then send the corrected papers to the college.</p>

<p>You can send the SAT/ACT scores prior to the application being sent. Re: finaid...most schools have a priority deadline for EA applicants for finaid application materials. You will need to check the schools' websites as the deadline dates vary wildly. When DD applied EA, her Profile actually had to be received by the college by November 15 of her senior year...using estimates for the whole year. It was a PITA...because amending the Profile is a "do it by hand" job...and YES, once your taxes are complete, you DO have to amend the stinking thing. Re: the FAFSA, Fireflyscout is correct. You cannot file the FAFSA until January 1 of the year for which you are applying for finaid (e.g. if it's the 2008-09 school year, you cannot file until Jan 1, 2008). However, you should plan to do just that...filing using a "will file" status which means you will file your taxes. You will use estimates based on the information from pay stubs etc for the 2007 tax year. Than ASAP after February 1, you must complete your taxes and amend the FAFSA which thankfully you can do online. The years you are applying for finaid are NOT years when you should wait to complete your taxes (that would be yours and your student's). Get them done ASAP after February 1.</p>

<p>I think you need to wait to do THIS years numbers for NEXT years financial Aid, so the Fasfa would be premature. THe application you need is available on January 1. You will get your decision often before the financial package but you can find out how much of a demonstrated need does the school meet and how much of that will be loans to get an idea.</p>

<p>Atlmom is will need 2007 numbers. Your FAFSA cannot be filed until Jan 1, 2008. Profile, however, is available early early fall for the following year. You MUST check the deadlines for priority applications at each school.</p>