Need- Based Scholarships

<p>hey guys. I would like to apply for some need- based scholarships. My family is low income. I just looked over my package for aid and the school will be helping out with grants. But I am looking for additional scholarship money for other school expenses. Now, is this possible? Or are scholarships generally intended to cover school tuition only and can never be used for personal expenses such as books, computer (school related though). If there are scholarships that can be used personally for need-based people can you guys tell me which ones they are so I can apply?</p>

<p>The grants in your financial aid package are need-based scholarships.</p>

<p>Your family is probably left with an amount of expenses to cover, approximately equal to the Expected Family Contribution + whatever gap the school may have left between the EFC and their aid package.</p>

<p>Most of the outside scholarships will be merit-based. But if you now secure an outside scholarship, it gets reported to the school, and they adjust their aid package accordingly, since your need has decreased due to the new scholarship money. Usually that means reducing a portion of the student loans or work study included in the aid package. If the financial aid package is only grants, the grants will be reduced to offset the new scholarship money, for no net gain in aid.</p>

<p>That is not necessarily true. Outside scholarships do NOT always reduce grants. Check with the school financial aid office.</p>