Need-blind Rumors

<p>Most, if not all, of the top colleges in the US claim to be need-blind (don’t factor your ability to pay into admissions). However, CCers say that applying for finaid hurts your admission chances.</p>

<li>Does applying for finaid hurt your chances?</li>
<li>If yes, by how much are your chances hurt? 5% less chance? 10% less?</li>


<p>It doesn’t really matter if it hurts your chances. If you don’t “need” financial aid, don’t apply for it. If you DO “need” financial aid to attend a particular school, what good will it do to be accepted if you can’t afford to attend?</p>

<p>Ok good points, but can’t I be curious?</p>



<p>I’ve never seen such a statement on on cc…</p>

<p>I’ve seen it on two threads, and I was wondering how much truth it held. Thanks for your input.</p>

<p>I don’t think it holds any truth. Maybe check the posting history of those who made the statement? If a school says it is need-blind, it is almost certainly need-blind. There are actually plenty of schools that state clearly that they are need-aware. Still, if you are applying to need-aware schools and you NEED aid, it would be foolish to say you do not need aid because, as I said above, what good would it do to be accepted if you can’t afford to go?</p>

<p>I have read some people that say not needing finical aid could help you. I would hope that needing financial aid would not hurt you though.</p>



<p>I would say it depends on the school. For schools that guarantee to meet full need AND are need blind, it should not make a difference if you indicate you need aid. </p>

<p>However, if a school is NOT need blind, and two students with very similar application profiles apply…one who can pay the full bill and one who needs significant aid…the one who can pay the full bill MIGHT get the nod. MIGHT…no way to know for sure.</p>

<p>Also, in these economic times, schools that do not meet full need might do an “admit/deny” type of acceptance whereby they offer acceptance BUT do not offer financial aid that would enable a need student to attend. That has happened. Read about “enrollment management”.</p>

<p>Most schools are not need blind but more importantly, most do not meet 100% of need. In fact, very few do and they are mostly top schools.</p>

<p>At non need blind schools, not needing aid helps a lot. Much more than 10%. Needing a lot of aid can really hurt depending on the school. Most guesses are in this economy it will be worse than ever.</p>