Need Calculus I and II? History Major asking.

<p>Logic says nooo. But I swear I heard somewhere that transfer students should take them to be as competitive as possible. I searched around the site and found a similar thread... A Political Science major was advised not to take Calc I because he didn't need it and it wouldn't do anything for him. Is this still true for me (a future Yale transfer applicant)? I'd rather take Statistics, but I keep thinking about what I heard and just want to be sure!</p>

<p>Oh, and I'm not a History major yet. I'm at CCC right now doing a general Liberal Arts & Sciences plan of study.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>I’m a history major who transfered to a top 50 university this fall, although obviously not Yale, admission is competitive. Taking no maths at my prior school did not work against me. However, taking a series of calculus courses, in my opinion, would make you more competitive for a school like Yale. Yale students aren’t one-sided and were accepted with high test scores in all fields. Taking calc 1 and 2 would show versatility, especially if you do well. Plus, though I don’t know Yale’s core requirements, I imagine that regardless of what your major is, you’ll have to take at least one math course, likely two. Why not just get them out of the way? If you fear that calculus will lower your GPA, then don’t take it. Shoot for the highest GPA you can achieve and be strategic about it.</p>

<p>Take a look at their course catalogues of your target colleges/universities and see what the degree requirements are, and which math courses are offer. At very selective institutions you may well find out that the beginning math course is Calculus, and Statistics is a second or third year course with Calculus as a pre-req.</p>