Need College Parents Input

<p>We are putting together a tip sheet to be given to new college parents.
We need lots of current college parents to give their quick input and would love your participation.
We will PM you a bunch of questions on a variety to topics, and you may answer whatever ones you wish. Examples of topics: student homesickness, dorm essentials, saving money, how 'involved should parents be, dealing with an unmotivated kid, etc.</p>

<p>Please include a bit of info about yourself, ex. "my son is a junior at a large public university" or 'my daughter has just taken a couple classes this summer, but will start FT at a small college this fall" </p>


<p>Rob, you don’t need to e-mail with us, you just need to read the threads that are already out here. Regular contributers have dumped out every tip we ever heard or thought on on these forums!</p>

<p>“We are putting together a tip sheet to be given to new college parents.”</p>

<p>Your inquiry is circumspect, as you have not identified the “We”. Intparent is correct, there is a wealth of information on CC. </p>

<p>Go for it!</p>

<p>Both of the replies you’ve received represent my thoughts as well.</p>