need college suggestions

<p>Looking for suggestions for northeast colleges...</p>

<p>GPA: 3.85
Class rank: 11 out of 250
SAT I: CR: 760, M : 740, W: 700
SAT II: Bio: 760, M IC: 740</p>

<p>Courseload: Most difficult available. 5 AP's, rest honors
EC: 3 varsity sports, captain of 1, NHS, Student Gov, few clubs,
Volunteer over 150 hours</p>

<p>Possible majors: Biology, biotech, pre med, bio-chem</p>

<p>size school: any
location: suburban to urban
REALLY need some advice to get started. Thanks</p>

<p>Please post, I need some ideas for reach, match or safe schools.</p>



<p>There are obviously a plethora of other schools, but if you really want to do Bio in some form, then a lot of the very small schools may not have the resources you want.</p>

<p>Tufts, Holy Cross, Brandeis.</p>