<p>Hey Guys,</p>
<p>I wanted to find out what all colleges in the U.S. offer Mechanical Engineering with an Aeronautics/aerospace specialisation (undergraduate). I already know of all the colleges that exclusively offer aerospace engineering but I wanted to know the ones that offer The above combination so I can broaden my horizons a little. If anybody could help me locate them or if anybody knows about them, I would really appreciate it! :)</p>
<p>Thanks :)</p>
<p>Rutgers University’s School of Engineering offers a program in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Aerospace. I know of one person who is in this particular program and have heard great things about it, but be warned this route is a challenging one (but rewarding!).</p>
<p>Drexel University also has a similar program in their undergraduate Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics department. They offer concentrations in aerospace as well as many other areas.</p>
<p>University of Miami, has a similar program too. <a href=“http://www6.miami.edu/umbulletin/und/eng/mech.htm[/url]”>http://www6.miami.edu/umbulletin/und/eng/mech.htm</a></p>
<p>Whiting School of Engineering (Johns Hopkins) also has a program.
<a href=“http://www.me.jhu.edu/aerospace[/url]”>http://www.me.jhu.edu/aerospace</a>.</p>
<p>You didn’t mention any of your stats or what you’re looking for so it’s hard to look for a range of schools that you can target. There are many schools that offer similar programs–these are just a few.</p>
<p>Thank you so much gingeralelover. That was VERY helpful :D</p>
<p>I’m looking for colleges like Drexel and Rutgers. Johns Hopkins would be a stretch for me. So if you could tell me more like these, I would really appreciate it
Thanks a lot. :)</p>
<p>Also, Please advise me about institutions that offer significant amount of aid for intl. students with the above engineering combination.</p>
<p>Well, I don’t know your stats at all, so it would be really difficult to tell you your likelihood of getting any type of aid. Drexel is generally generous with merit aid for international students, but again, I know nothing about your stats, so this is just an estimate.</p>
<p>As for other similar programs…</p>
<p>University of Dayton has a MechE program with a concentration in aerospace engineering. It has a good co-op program so that’s a plus. I may also want to look into combined degree programs like a 5-year course of study that will ultimately lead to a BS/MS degree or the like. Just a suggestion…</p>
<p>University of Maine</p>
<p>University of North Dakota’s School of Engineering and Mines offers a program.</p>
<p>University of Alabama (Huntsville)</p>
<p>Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I know someone going to this school, but not in the engineering department. Excellent school.</p>
<p>Rochester Institute of Technology has a MechE program with aerospace concentration. I know several going here, and it has a top notch engineering program and excellent co-op opportunities.</p>
<p>That’s all I can think of at the top of my head.</p>
<p>*Also, Please advise me about institutions that offer significant amount of aid for intl. students with the above engineering combination. *</p>
<p>SAT I score (2nd attempt) - 2060 (690 CR ; 680 Math ; 690 Writing)</p>
<p>whew…your scores aren’t high enough for good sized merit at many schools. Your M+CR is a 1370, which might be enough for merit at some lower-mid-tiers…but not a full-ride or anything like that. </p>
<p>What is your GPA equivalent? That will also be important for merit. </p>
<p>How much can your family pay?</p>
<p>Well, I live in India so we have a %age system :</p>
<p>Class 9 : 79%
Class 10 : 9.2/10
Class 11 : 80%(9th in class)</p>
<p>My family can’t pay more than $18000 or $19000 per annum</p>
<p>You’re going to have to find out what your grades translate to on a 4.0 American GPA. Many merit scholarships are going to require at least a 3.5 weighted GPA for scholarships.</p>
<p>I agree with mom2collegekids for the most part. I suggest Desidreams to be a little bit more flexible with the type of mechanical engineering program you’re looking for, so it’ll make it easier for you to wiggle into a school that is generous with their merit aid. Perhaps, just look for solid mechanical engineering programs? Or just an aeronautics program?</p>
<p>Thank you for all the help mom2collegekids and gingeralelover. 
I shall find out how to convert my %age into GPA.</p>
<p>Check out University of Michigan Aerospace too:</p>
<p>[UM</a> Aero | Aerospace Home](<a href=“http://aerospace.engin.umich.edu/]UM”>http://aerospace.engin.umich.edu/)</p>